Find out more information about the different kinds of financial support that you may be entitled to as a student, both from the UK government and from the Bath Spa University, visit our Funding pages.
Our tuition fees vary according to the type of degree programme you study, your mode of study and where you study.
Fees specific to each course are listed on the individual course pages, however this page will give you an overview of the types of costs for our range of postgraduate research courses.
See individual course page for specific tuition fee.
If students need to retake a module they'll be required to pay for the whole module again. The retake cost will depend on the credit weight of the module. For more information, please contact
6/5 week course: fees £1,970
12/11 week course: fees £3,950
16/15 week course: fees £4,920
Fees include:
Fees don't include:
Find our more about our Pre-sessional English Language courses.
Full-time fee
See individual course page for specific tuition fee.
MBA Leadership - London
See individual course page for specific tuition fee.
See individual course page for specific tuition fee.
Whichever payment method you use, you can pay the full amount online for the upcoming year in one go. If you wish to do this, please ensure that payment is received prior to registration for your course or before 18 September (whichever is earlier).
First-Year International students joining the University are required to pay 100% of the tuition fees on or before arrival and commencement of the course.
If you'd like to pay your fees in full, payment is due by 18 September. Alternatively, if you are just paying for tuition fees, you can select 'pay now' at registration and make full payment then.
Three instalments are available to pay tuition fees, for UK and returning International students:
If you're staying in University accommodation, your accommodation licence fee is due by 15 October.
All students can pay their accommodation fees in 3 or 8 instalments. Students who are using maintenance loan payments to help with payment of accommodation fees are advised to select 3 instalments. The 3 instalment dates are arranged to coincide with or be just after the date you receive your maintenance loan payments.
We can allow up to 8 months for payment of accommodation charges, but this is not recommended for students paying from their maintenance loans. To choose this option, please select the 3 instalment option and email to let us know your preference for 8 instalments. We can then make the adjustment to the payment plan.
Please note: if you leave your studies before the first payment date, you'll be liable to pay the accommodation fee according to the terms of your licence.