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Mental health – Bath Spa University

Student Wellbeing Services provides professional, short-term interventions and helps students access a range of services.

University can be an exciting and happy time, but it can also bring with it stress and challenge. You might seek help because you want to change the way you're thinking, feeling or behaving, or you may be worried about someone else. At Bath Spa University we offer many ways to support you.

If there is an imminent risk

If you or someone you know is at imminent risk of harm you should call 999 immediately. If you are on campus you should also contact Security on 01225 87 5555, so that they can direct first responders to your location.

Services within Student Wellbeing Services (SWS)

Mental Health Appointments

Our team of professional Mental Health Advisors are available to speak to you about your mental health and any challenges you may be experiencing.

You can book 50 minute mental health appointments, where you’ll have the opportunity to explore these challenges and receive support and guidance to help you navigate them and feel better able to engage with university life.

These appointments are offered for booking on a ‘one at a time basis’.

One-to-one counselling

We have a counselling service, staffed by both trainee and qualified counsellors, where you can access up to 6 sessions. If you're interested in this service, please book a mental health appointment; your Mental Health Adviser will explore all available options with you. 

SWS is here to support all students at Bath Spa and is committed to appreciating individual differences within our diverse community.

We are partnered with Nilaari who provide culturally appropriate counselling for students of colour. Please speak with a mental health advisor to be referred to this service by booking an appointment via MyWellbeing.

Enhanced Support Process

The Enhanced Support Process is for students who are in crisis, experiencing significant struggles with their studies or with independent living due to their mental health.

Students supported within this process will be allocated a Mental Health Adviser who will work closely with them to improve their situation.

Contact Student Wellbeing Services

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