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We challenge our students and staff to realise their talent and thrive, for their own benefit and for the wider good.

At Bath Spa University, every voice matters and is heard.

Our people and communities are at the heart of everything we do.

We collaborate with partners to create unique opportunities for our students.

Our actions help build a greener, more sustainable and inclusive future.

We are Professionally Creative

Tap into your professional creativity and pursue a career that fully expresses your unique ideas and talents, while making a difference to the issues that matter to you.

{ "title": "Witness the best that BSU has to offer at the 2024 MA Degree Show", "link": "/news-and-events/news/ma-degree-show-2024/", "teaser_text": "The 2024 MA Degree Show promises to once again amaze attendees at our Locksbrook Campus", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/MA-Show-2024-1-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Student artwork depicting a colourful floral pattern", "publish_date": "9 September, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Student and Graduate team up to create bespoke Chancellor’s robes", "link": "/news-and-events/news/chancellors-robes/", "teaser_text": "BSU student and graduate team up to create robes that reflect the heritage of our new chancellor", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/chancellors-robes-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A close up picture of the new Chancellor's Robes, complete with bespoke embroidery", "publish_date": "6 September, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "A BSU graduate’s journey into the professional world", "link": "/news-and-events/news/graduate-success/", "teaser_text": "BSU graduate, Chantelle Wareham, shares her journey into the professional world", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/be-bath-spa/campuses/newton-park/main-house-600x423.jpg", "image_alt": "A grand house set against green grass", "publish_date": "4 September, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU community comes together for the University’s first Heritage Open Days", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-prepares-for-heritage-open-days/", "teaser_text": "Visitors will have the chance to explore the past and present at Newton Park campus this weekend", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/be-bath-spa/campuses/newton-park-campus-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "The lake at Newton Park on a sunny day with a view of the temple", "publish_date": "2 September, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU awarded further funding for government-backed skills initiative", "link": "/news-and-events/news/skills-bootcamps-wave-5-funding/", "teaser_text": "Bath Spa University receives further funding for its successful Skills Bootcamps", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/events-2024/data-bootcamp-students-working-on-project-600x435.png", "image_alt": "", "publish_date": "29 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU named as flagship hub for Sustainable Fashion Week 2024 ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/sustainable-fashion-week-2024/", "teaser_text": "The largest ever Sustainable Fashion Week is just around the corner, and BSU will be a flagship hub.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/SFW---Repair---High-Res---Ana-Clark-Studio-26-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "person sits at desk facing the window, sewing fabric on a sewing machine.", "publish_date": "23 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Producing success: BSU graduate makes his Theatre Royal debut", "link": "/news-and-events/news/matthew-emeny-producing-art/", "teaser_text": "Associate Producer Matthew Emeny's new project will open at Theatre Royal Bath in September", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/student-life/Theatre-Royal-sized-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "image of packed theatre royal Bath", "publish_date": "20 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "UCW and Bath Spa University celebrate 25-year partnership with new Memorandum of Understanding", "link": "/news-and-events/news/ucw-memorandum-of-understanding/", "teaser_text": "University Centre Weston and Bath Spa University reaffirm their long-standing partnership.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/UCW-X-BSU-Memorandum-of-Understanding-signing-2-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Two people sit at a table dressed smartly holding papers and smiling. Three people, also smartly dressed, stand behind them smiling. ", "publish_date": "19 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Our top tips to help you make the most of Clearing in 2024", "link": "/news-and-events/news/how-to-prepare-for-clearing/", "teaser_text": "If you're thinking about Clearing but you're not sure where to start, we've got some tips for you.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/person-typing-on-laptop-adobe-600x435.png", "image_alt": "A woman sits at her desk typing on her laptop", "publish_date": "14 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU graduate opens the door to the therapist’s room and mind, in new book", "link": "/news-and-events/news/josh-fletcher-how-does-that-make-you-feel/", "teaser_text": "Psychotherapist and BSU graduate Josh Fletcher takes us on a tour of the inner mind of a therapist", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Josh-Fletcher-600x435.jpeg", "image_alt": "Josh Fletcher, smiling at the camera", "publish_date": "13 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU lecturer recognised in Booker Prize longlist", "link": "/news-and-events/news/booker-prize/", "teaser_text": "A BSU lecturer has been longlisted for the prestigious Booker Prize", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/SH-image-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A woman with blonde hair smiles at the camera for a portrait shot", "publish_date": "12 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Bath Spa University to open its doors for Heritage Open Days", "link": "/news-and-events/news/newton-park-heritage-open-day/", "teaser_text": " Visitors to Newton Park will have the chance to explore the University’s rich history and culture", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/be-bath-spa/campuses/Newton-Park-Castle-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "", "publish_date": "8 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU statement on recent events", "link": "/news-and-events/news/statement-on-recent-events/", "teaser_text": "As a university, we are appalled and saddened by the violence and racism witnessed in recent days.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Navy-background-600x435.jpeg", "image_alt": "Blue textured background, ranging from mid blue to navy blue.", "publish_date": "7 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Exhibition celebrates the winners of the 2024 Porthleven Prize", "link": "/news-and-events/news/tides-that-bind-porthleven-exhibition/", "teaser_text": "The 2024 Porthleven Prize exhibit, Tides That Bind, features work by seven students and graduates", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Nev-Irvine-Porthleven-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Abstract reddish shapes that resemble tree branches over a light blue background", "publish_date": "5 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Celebrating creativity and community at Bath Carnival ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bath-carnival-2024/", "teaser_text": "Bath Spa University celebrates the tenth anniversary of Bath Carnival", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/bath-carnival-procession-lucy-baker-600x435.png", "image_alt": "A man dressed in colourful clothing walks through the centre of Bath", "publish_date": "1 August, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Having a laugh: BSU graduates take their shows to Edinburgh Fringe ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-alumni-at-edinburgh-fringe/", "teaser_text": "This year's festival includes over 3,000 productions - and several BSU alumni will be among them", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Edinburgh-skyline-AdobeStock-600x435.jpeg", "image_alt": "The Edinburgh skyline at sunset", "publish_date": "31 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU offers students a more relaxed experience with ‘Quiet Graduation’ ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/quiet-graduation/", "teaser_text": "The University held a Quiet Graduation for students who may find a traditional ceremony overwhelming", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/quiet-graduation-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "an audience watches and waves hands in silent celebration of a graduate in cap and gown walking up to the front of a room to meet two people in academic regalia and another seated.", "publish_date": "29 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Kickstarting your career at Bath City Football Club", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bath-city-volunteering/", "teaser_text": "BSU graduate Ned Nolan speaks about the importance of volunteering at Bath City FC", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/bcfc-ned-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A student holding a camera on a football pitch, stood against a white advertising hoarding at the side of the pitch", "publish_date": "29 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU announced as new Bath City Football Club shirt sponsors", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bath-city-shirt-sponsorship/", "teaser_text": "BSU has extended its partnership with Bath City FC, sponsoring the men's home and away shirts", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/bcfc-announcement-masthead-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Two students sat on a bench wearing Bath City's new shirts, one black and white and one two-toned navy blue. 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individuals will receive honorary doctorates at BSU's summer graduation", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Graduation-Hats-600x435.png", "image_alt": "", "publish_date": "19 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Fashion Design students showcase at Graduate Fashion Week 2024", "link": "/news-and-events/news/graduate-fashion-week-2024/", "teaser_text": "BSU Fashion Design students have been celebrating their success at Graduate Fashion Week", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Graduate-Fashion-Week-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Two people stand together, both holding graduate fashion week awards and smiling at the camera.", "publish_date": "18 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU Alumna cultivates successful business career at luxury fashion brand Dior", "link": "/news-and-events/news/chloe-marsden-dior/", "teaser_text": "Alumna soars to new heights in her career as she leads a team working for LVMH", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Dior-image-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A photo of a dior shop on a cobbled street", "publish_date": "16 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU launches bursary scheme to enhance collaboration with South African university", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-and-wits-bursary-scheme/", "teaser_text": "Bath Spa University has implemented a three-year bursary scheme with a university in Johannesburg", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Bath-Spa-University-VC-Professor-Sue-Rigby-with-Wits-Universitys-DVC-Prof-Ruksana-Osman-and-VC-Prof-Zeblon-Vilakazi-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Sue Rigby poses with colleagues from Wits University", "publish_date": "16 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Bath Spa University continues to exceed sector performance in National Student Survey 2024", "link": "/news-and-events/news/nss-results-2024/", "teaser_text": "BSU has made clear gains against its performance in 2023 and against the sector average", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/NSS-results-masthead-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Bath Spa University Gardens accommodation peeking through a row of green hedges and trees", "publish_date": "12 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU welcomes back 2024 Graduate Scheme members", "link": "/news-and-events/news/graduate-scheme-welcome-2024/", "teaser_text": "2024 Graduate Scheme successful applicants were welcomed back to Newton Park", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Grad-scheme-masthead-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A group of people sat around multiple tables, talking", "publish_date": "12 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "news-events", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Graduates invited to celebrate big day at festival-themed Gradstock party ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/gradstock-graduation-party/", "teaser_text": "A brand new festival-themed event is being held during graduation", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Gradstock-Flags-2-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Colourful flags in front of a large gazebo ", "publish_date": "10 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU donates cameras to Cameroon training program", "link": "/news-and-events/news/cameras-for-cameroon/", "teaser_text": "Bath Spa University’s Film and Television department donates to Cameroon training project", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Cameras-for-Cameroon-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Four people stood in front of a screen, with two cameras in front of them, both on tripods", "publish_date": "9 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Graduate receives coveted Music Producers Guild Rising Star Award 2024 ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/rising-star-amy-sergeant/", "teaser_text": "Commercial Music graduate takes the music world by storm, winning the MPG Rising Star Award 2024", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Amy-Photo-2-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A student stood in front of an advertising stand holding a trophy shaped like a microphone", "publish_date": "8 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Creative Computing Rocks Glastonbury ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-glastonbury-2024/", "teaser_text": "BSU Creative Computing team showcase installations at the world's most iconic music festival", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Glasto-Masthead-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A student sat behind a large window, looking at different coloured bottles", "publish_date": "5 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Bath Spa University sponsors the 2024 Bath Boules tournament", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-sponsors-bath-boules/", "teaser_text": "BSU is getting into the community spirit and doing a bit of 'le fundraising' on 4 July.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Boules-AdobeStock-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Four silver boules next to a jack on a boules pitch", "publish_date": "3 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Bath Spa Professor chairs United Nations sustainable fashion panel ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/un-fashion-event/", "teaser_text": "Professor Cincik joins fashion experts at the United Nation's Fashion Sector Exchange ", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/fashion-sector-exchange-1-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "an audience watches a panel of people talking. There is screen behind them reading 'next in sustainable fashion'.", "publish_date": "3 July, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU hosts kick-off event for brand-new initiative, Her Game, Her Story", "link": "/news-and-events/news/her-game-her-story/", "teaser_text": "BSU launches new initiative, Her Game, Her Story", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Article-Photo---her-game-her-story.-1380x1000.jpg", "image_alt": "three women and one man sit in a studio like room talking to a woman at a podium, a screen is behind them showing her game her story. 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"/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/sewing-tools-1378x1000.jpg", "image_alt": "spools of thread, tape measure, scissors, a note pad, buttons and a pin cushion spread out on a white surface.", "publish_date": "27 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Weaving Bath Spa magic into Forest of Imagination 2024 ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-at-forest-of-imagination-2024/", "teaser_text": "Today, Forest of Imagination opens its doors and BSU is playing its part in the magic of the forest.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/forest-of-imagination-2-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Artwork showing a ring of nature surrounding a grand building", "publish_date": "26 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU chosen to host a national hub for festival of humanities ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/being-human-2024/", "teaser_text": "BSU has been named as one of five institutions set to host a hub for the Being Human Festival 2024", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/BH2024_GrantAwarded_Instagram-600x435.png", "image_alt": "Pink background covered in cartoon confetti with the words grant awarded and being human included", "publish_date": "25 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Fine Art student wins prestigious painting prize", "link": "/news-and-events/news/benedict-robinson-freelands-painting-prize/", "teaser_text": "Benedict Robinson is the first BSU student to win the Freelands Painting Prize", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/ben-portrait-freelands-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Benedict Robinson poses in front of one of his paintings", "publish_date": "24 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU students granted exclusive access to regional entrepreneurial conference", "link": "/news-and-events/news/entreconf-2024/", "teaser_text": "BSU partners with entrepreneurial conference, EntreConf ", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Entre-Conf-cover-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A room of people listen to a conference", "publish_date": "21 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Business and Management student takes his passions abroad", "link": "/news-and-events/news/business-abroad/", "teaser_text": "Nathan Beudin takes his passions international, moving abroad as part of his degree", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Placement-final-image-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A man in a white turtleneck stands by BSU's Main House", "publish_date": "19 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Scoring with Sustainability", "link": "/news-and-events/news/forest-green-rovers/", "teaser_text": "BSU students recently visited Forest Green Rovers, a football club keeping things green", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/FGR-visit-1-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A football stadium stand with the words 'We are FGR' on the side", "publish_date": "19 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Nurturing a New Business", "link": "/news-and-events/news/nutrition-alice-haley/", "teaser_text": "BA Human Nutrition graduate Alice Haley is taken her first steps in the world of business", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Alice-Haley-Nutrition-Website-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A woman stood in a kitchen posing for photo with a watermelon and two oranges sat on the kitchen top in front of her", "publish_date": "17 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Putting a spotlight on Business at BSU ", "link": "/news-and-events/news/spotlight-on-business/", "teaser_text": "This week we’re celebrating everything to do with Business at Bath Spa University.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/business-stock-image-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A top down image of people working, paper is scattered across the table", "publish_date": "17 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "From Newton Park to the Guildhall: BSU graduate elected Mayor of Bath", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-graduate-elected-mayor-of-bath/", "teaser_text": "Cllr Michelle O'Doherty can add 'The Right Worshipful The Mayor of Bath' to her list of successes", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Mayors-parlour-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "The door to the Mayor of Baths Parlour in the Guildhall", "publish_date": "14 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Local MasterChef champion, Ping Coombes, awarded Honorary Doctorate by BSU", "link": "/news-and-events/news/ping-honorary-doctorate/", "teaser_text": "BSU awards Bath-based TV MasterChef winner, Ping Coombes an Honorary Doctorate for Social Inclusion", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Ping-Masthead-copy-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Ping Coombes gives a speech in a blue robe", "publish_date": "13 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU enters exciting partnership with 3SG", "link": "/news-and-events/news/3sg-partnership/", "teaser_text": "Bath Spa University has recently entered into a brand-new partnership with independent charity 3SG", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/3SG-partnership-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A group of people stood in front of two pull-up banners", "publish_date": "12 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU launches community-designed badges to celebrate neurodiversity", "link": "/news-and-events/news/bsu-launches-neurodiversity-badges/", "teaser_text": "A new range of badges will celebrate neurodiversity and allyship among BSU staff and students", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Badges-1-600x435.png", "image_alt": "A hand holding up a pin badge. The text on it says Neurodiversity Ally in rainbow letters.", "publish_date": "11 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "BSU Welcomes Ukrainian Partner University", "link": "/news-and-events/news/ukraine-partner-visit/", "teaser_text": "Bath Spa University recently welcomed our Ukraine partners IUEH to the city - and beyond.", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/Ukraine-Visit-1-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "A grand room with paintings on the wall filled with people, with a large chandelier over the top of their heads ", "publish_date": "10 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" }, { "title": "Forest of Imagination returns for eleventh year", "link": "/news-and-events/news/forest-of-imagination-2024/", "teaser_text": "The Holburne Museum will play host to the eleventh Forest of Imagination", "image_600_435": "/media/bathspaacuk/news-events/forest-of-imagination-2-600x435.jpg", "image_alt": "Artwork showing a ring of nature surrounding a grand building", "publish_date": "7 June, 2024", "pin_to_top_of_feed": "", "pin_on_homepage_feed": "", "exclude_from_homepage_feed": "", "featured": "" },

Latest news

The Times Good University Guide 2024 University of the Year for Social Inclusion

University of the Year for Social Inclusion 2024

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Adobe Creative Campus

Certified Social Enterprise / business for good

Certified Social Enterprise

Bath Spa University first class award in the People and Planet University league 2022-23

17th greenest UK university

Fairtrade University and College Award

Fairtrade University

Proud winner of Creative Bath Awards 2023

Creativity for Good Award

TEF 2023 silver award

Teaching Excellence Framework

A logo for the Good Employment Charter

Supporter of the Good Employment Charter

Our locations


Newton Park

Historic buildings and ultra-modern teaching facilities nestled in the countryside on the edge of Bath.

Newton Park


A creative campus near Bath city centre that houses our creative technical workshops and flexible studio spaces.

Locksbrook Campus

BSU London

A welcoming teaching location in the vibrant Hoxton area of the UK's capital city.

BSU London

Partner locations

You can also study with us from a range of locations through our UK and international partners.

Educational partners

Newton Park

Historic buildings and ultra-modern teaching facilities nestled in the countryside on the edge of Bath.

Newton Park


A creative campus near Bath city centre that houses our creative technical workshops and flexible studio spaces.

Locksbrook Campus

BSU London

A welcoming teaching location in the vibrant Hoxton area of the UK's capital city.

BSU London

Partner locations

You can also study with us from a range of locations through our UK and international partners.

Educational partners