Bath Spa Care Dogs

We have a growing number of accredited Care Dogs that get involved in events, drop-in sessions and wellbeing walks. Why not take a study break and spend some time with them? All of our Care Dogs are assessed and registered through Canine Concern, to make sure they are well-behaved… most of the time, at least!

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Meet the dogs


Shiba Inu

Dog with its tongue sticking out
  • Favourite food: Cheese.
  • Favourite walk: Fields.
  • Loves: Playing catch and chase with a ball, hanging out with kids, playing with humans, camping, cycling and canoeing.
  • Hates: Cows, having a shower and thermometers in personal places!



Poppy the care dog, a white cockapoo wearing a blue bandana
  • Favourite food: Anything I'm allowed... especially chicken!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere that involves water or mud and big spaces I can run around in.
  • Loves: Getting muddy, having cuddles and curling up on feet to be made a fuss of, especially having my tummy tickled.
  • Hates: Drains and places where I can't see what is underneath or behind it.


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Golden Retriever

Georgie the care dog, sitting on a lawned area
  • Favourite food: Carrots and cheese!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with muddy puddles and a ball!
  • Loves: Chewing tennis balls and stealing my humans yoghurt pots.
  • Hates: Henry the Hoover.



A black Cockapoo with white markings and a red collar looks at the camera
  • Favourite food: Chicken and plastic/cardboard – they're a food group in my world!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with interesting smells, tennis balls (especially if they squeak) and humans to cuddle me.
  • Loves: Life! And also stealing tissues from pockets and shredding them.
  • Hates: White vinegar.


Korthals Griffon

A brown dog wearing a blue bandana sits on the grass
  • Favourite food: Dried rabbit ears.
  • Favourite walk: Running around in Pipley Woods near Lansdown Golf Course.
  • Loves: Chasing squirrels (to keep them fit). I get very excited when it snows or when I'm on a sandy beach.
  • Hates: Dogs that barge into me. My knees are sensitive due to surgery on both hind legs.


Working Cocker Spaniel

A dark brown spaniel wears a blue Care Dogs bandana
  • Favourite food: Meat of any sort.
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with water, but I especially love the sea and swimming with my mum.
  • Loves: Being with people.
  • Hates: Pheasants.


Miniature Schnauzer

A Miniature Schnauzer wears a blue Canine Concern bandana
  • Favourite food: Kibble at breakfast and teatime. And as a treat, little chicken pieces!
  • Favourite walk: Wellhead Wood (which has amazing things to sniff) and up to Salisbury Plain. Best walk ever!
  • Loves: Playing with and larking about with good doggie friends. Sitting on laps. Having snuggly cuddles. Sitting quiet in meditation.
  • Hates: Meanness and vacuum cleaners.



A small black dog wears a blue Canine Concern bandana
  • Favourite food: Sausages!
  • Favourite walk: Vallis Woods in Frome.
  • Loves: Strokes and tummy rubs from friendly humans, and playing in the park with other dogs.
  • Hates: Sudden noises and being grabbed suddenly.


Husky / Collie

Luna, a cute care dog wearing a blue bandana.
  • Favourite food: Coconut oil, dried sardines and pigs' ears!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with grass and bushes to smell. I don’t like busy streets.
  • Loves: Meeting other dogs, bum scratches and playing tug.
  • Hates: Hoovers and showers.



A cream-coloured fluffy dog wearing a blue Canine Concern bandana
  • Favourite food: Chicken.
  • Favourite walk: In the woods.
  • Loves: Chasing games and cuddles.
  • Hates: Teeth brushing.



A black Labrador wearing a blue bandana
  • Favourite food: Cheese, please.
  • Favourite walk: Southstoke Valley, or any walk that ends up at a pub with treats at the bar.
  • Loves: Walkies, swimming, playing ball, friends and fuss... and treats – all the treats!
  • Hates: Buzzy flies – terrifying!



A brown spaniel with a red collar looks at the camera
  • Favourite food: Anything off your plate!
  • Favourite walk: The beach.
  • Loves: To greet you with a shoe.
  • Hates: Cats.


Border Terrier

A border terrier wearing a harness
  • Favourite walk: In the fields at Bushey, near the other university.
  • Loves: Going on adventures in Velma the campervan.


Golden Retriever

A cream-coloured Golden Retriever looks into the distance
  • Favourite food: The treats I get at my local florist, chemist, cafe and pubs!
  • Favourite walk: To the shops and pubs on my local high-street.
  • Loves: Being with my favourite humans (especially my mum) and chasing squirrels and cats.
  • Hates: Squirrels!



Rosie the care dog, sitting on a carpet
  • Favourite food: Cheese.
  • Favourite walk: In the park so I can make new friends.
  • Loves: Chewing on empty toilet rolls, dancing, playing chase with my friends, soft blankets and cuddling.
  • Hates: Whistling trains.


Shiba Inu

Dog with its tongue sticking out
  • Favourite food: Cheese.
  • Favourite walk: Fields.
  • Loves: Playing catch and chase with a ball, hanging out with kids, playing with humans, camping, cycling and canoeing.
  • Hates: Cows, having a shower and thermometers in personal places!



Poppy the care dog, a white cockapoo wearing a blue bandana
  • Favourite food: Anything I'm allowed... especially chicken!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere that involves water or mud and big spaces I can run around in.
  • Loves: Getting muddy, having cuddles and curling up on feet to be made a fuss of, especially having my tummy tickled.
  • Hates: Drains and places where I can't see what is underneath or behind it.


Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Golden Retriever

Georgie the care dog, sitting on a lawned area
  • Favourite food: Carrots and cheese!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with muddy puddles and a ball!
  • Loves: Chewing tennis balls and stealing my humans yoghurt pots.
  • Hates: Henry the Hoover.



A black Cockapoo with white markings and a red collar looks at the camera
  • Favourite food: Chicken and plastic/cardboard – they're a food group in my world!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with interesting smells, tennis balls (especially if they squeak) and humans to cuddle me.
  • Loves: Life! And also stealing tissues from pockets and shredding them.
  • Hates: White vinegar.


Korthals Griffon

A brown dog wearing a blue bandana sits on the grass
  • Favourite food: Dried rabbit ears.
  • Favourite walk: Running around in Pipley Woods near Lansdown Golf Course.
  • Loves: Chasing squirrels (to keep them fit). I get very excited when it snows or when I'm on a sandy beach.
  • Hates: Dogs that barge into me. My knees are sensitive due to surgery on both hind legs.


Working Cocker Spaniel

A dark brown spaniel wears a blue Care Dogs bandana
  • Favourite food: Meat of any sort.
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with water, but I especially love the sea and swimming with my mum.
  • Loves: Being with people.
  • Hates: Pheasants.


Miniature Schnauzer

A Miniature Schnauzer wears a blue Canine Concern bandana
  • Favourite food: Kibble at breakfast and teatime. And as a treat, little chicken pieces!
  • Favourite walk: Wellhead Wood (which has amazing things to sniff) and up to Salisbury Plain. Best walk ever!
  • Loves: Playing with and larking about with good doggie friends. Sitting on laps. Having snuggly cuddles. Sitting quiet in meditation.
  • Hates: Meanness and vacuum cleaners.



A small black dog wears a blue Canine Concern bandana
  • Favourite food: Sausages!
  • Favourite walk: Vallis Woods in Frome.
  • Loves: Strokes and tummy rubs from friendly humans, and playing in the park with other dogs.
  • Hates: Sudden noises and being grabbed suddenly.


Husky / Collie

Luna, a cute care dog wearing a blue bandana.
  • Favourite food: Coconut oil, dried sardines and pigs' ears!
  • Favourite walk: Anywhere with grass and bushes to smell. I don’t like busy streets.
  • Loves: Meeting other dogs, bum scratches and playing tug.
  • Hates: Hoovers and showers.



A cream-coloured fluffy dog wearing a blue Canine Concern bandana
  • Favourite food: Chicken.
  • Favourite walk: In the woods.
  • Loves: Chasing games and cuddles.
  • Hates: Teeth brushing.



A black Labrador wearing a blue bandana
  • Favourite food: Cheese, please.
  • Favourite walk: Southstoke Valley, or any walk that ends up at a pub with treats at the bar.
  • Loves: Walkies, swimming, playing ball, friends and fuss... and treats – all the treats!
  • Hates: Buzzy flies – terrifying!



A brown spaniel with a red collar looks at the camera
  • Favourite food: Anything off your plate!
  • Favourite walk: The beach.
  • Loves: To greet you with a shoe.
  • Hates: Cats.


Border Terrier

A border terrier wearing a harness
  • Favourite walk: In the fields at Bushey, near the other university.
  • Loves: Going on adventures in Velma the campervan.


Golden Retriever

A cream-coloured Golden Retriever looks into the distance
  • Favourite food: The treats I get at my local florist, chemist, cafe and pubs!
  • Favourite walk: To the shops and pubs on my local high-street.
  • Loves: Being with my favourite humans (especially my mum) and chasing squirrels and cats.
  • Hates: Squirrels!



Rosie the care dog, sitting on a carpet
  • Favourite food: Cheese.
  • Favourite walk: In the park so I can make new friends.
  • Loves: Chewing on empty toilet rolls, dancing, playing chase with my friends, soft blankets and cuddling.
  • Hates: Whistling trains.

In memoriam



A black greyhound wearing a blue care dog bandana



A black and tan Dachshund wears a blue Care Dogs bandana



A black greyhound wearing a blue care dog bandana



A black and tan Dachshund wears a blue Care Dogs bandana
Four Bath Spa care dogs sit patiently

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