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Elevate – Bath Spa University

A personal and professional development programme for women of colour working at Bath Spa University.

We’ve joined forces with the universities of Bristol, Bath, Exeter, Cardiff and UWE to sponsor five staff members a year to join Elevate: a creative programme that acknowledges and celebrates the history, culture and diverse lived experiences of its participants. 

Elevate encourages participants to reflect, explore, grow and build solidarity together. It’s a safe space to get to grips with leadership concepts while navigating the systemic barriers impacting women of colour in leadership.  

Elevate recognises that its participants are ready to embrace leadership responsibilities, but face experiences in employment, education and society which differ from those of their white counterparts.

Who’s Elevate for? 

Elevate is specifically for women of colour. You’ll be an academic or professional services staff member (grades 4–8), from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background who identifies as female. Non-binary people are encouraged to apply if they are comfortable in a women-led environment. More information is available through the staff intranet. 

Programme aims 

Elevate aims to transform. As a woman of colour on the programme, your lived experiences and development needs will be the key focus. Elevate will: 

  • Create a space for participants to explore leadership development and critically evaluate their professional position in Higher Education. 
  • Introduce different leadership styles and encourage participants to develop their own authentic leadership style, as well as increase their influence. 
  • Support participants to reclaim strengths and talents, acknowledge their development needs and create an action plan. 
  • Empower participants using culturally-informed methodologies including recapturing oral histories, storytelling and centralised voicing. 

When does it run? 

The programme runs from January-June, and the deadline to apply for January 2024 is 16 October 2023

If you have any questions or need the text in a more accessible format, please email   

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