You can make an appointment with your nearest Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) which is The Bridge.
The Bridge is a specialist service made up of a team of experts experienced in caring for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted. This includes basic medical attention, forensic examination, emergency contraception, sexual health screening, and advice.
Anyone who is over 13 years old and has been raped or sexually assaulted in the last seven days can visit The Bridge.
It's entirely up to you to decide what services you use and what choices you make at The Bridge. You may wish to have sexual health screening tests but not undergo a forensic examination, or you may choose to have a forensic examination so that evidence of the assault can be collected, but not want to report the incident to the Police. The choice will remain yours throughout the process, and your visit will be entirely confidential.
If you think you may want to make a report, or you might want to in the future, preserving evidence can help the police with their investigation. The Bridge can gather evidence and store it until you have made your decision about informing the police.
To preserve evidence try not to:
- Use the toilet or discard underwear or sanitary products
- Wash, shower, bathe or shave
- Wash your hands
- Remove, wash, discard or destroy clothing worn, or bedding and towels used at the time of the incident or subsequent to it
- Drink or eat anything, including non-essential medication
- Clean your teeth
- Smoke
- Disturb the scene or allow other people or animals to enter the area where the incident took place, where possible.
Non-physical evidence, such as relevant texts, social media messages and emails should be preserved.