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Complaints Policy – Bath Spa University

Bath Spa University welcomes feedback from students and the wider community.

Bath Spa University welcomes all feedback, whether positive or negative, and considers this to be a valuable source of information that will contribute to the University’s continuous improvement of its services and the student experience. 

The information provided here offers guidance to students, staff and members of the public on how to raise a concern with the University.   

For students, staff and visitors to the University:

  • Report or Support 
    For reporting incidents that may include bullying and harassment, discrimination, mental wellbeing, sexual assault or sexual harassment; this confidential portal enables students, staff and visitors to report incidents anonymously, or receive support from an advisor.
  • Complaints Against Students
    The University’s Student Disciplinary Procedure is used to consider allegations of non-academic misconduct by students. The Procedure defines what counts as misconduct and explains the various roles involved in considering allegations, the range of penalties that may be imposed, avenues of appeal and reporting and monitoring arrangements. Download the Student Disciplinary Procedure.

For members of the public:

  • Student Community Partnership
    The SCP supports student residents and permanent residents in coming together and living in the community of Bath. For any complaints regarding Bath Spa students living within residential areas, please contact the Community Liaison Team.  

For Bath Spa students:

  • Unitu
    If you have an issue, a question or an idea, you can head to Bath Spa’s digital student feedback platform, Unitu. It’s a quick way to share your ideas and thoughts with your peers and get a response from relevant staff members. It’s easy to use and can also be accessed via Minerva.
  • Student Complaints
    The University’s Student Complaints Procedure involves a three-stage process that provides a clear route for students to raise and resolve a complaint. It has been designed to be fair, efficient and transparent. Download the Student Complaints Procedure. Further details are provided below.

Scope of the Student Complaints Procedure

Who can submit a complaint under this Procedure?
  • Current students
  • Recent graduates
  • A group of students making a joint complaint (via one nominated student)
  • An authorised third party acting on a student’s behalf (exceptional circumstances only)
Matters covered under the Procedure
  • Provision or delivery of programmes or parts of programmes
  • Inadequate services or facilities
  • Decisions, actions or perceived lack of actions taken by the University
Matters not covered by the Procedure

Making a complaint

To help facilitate an efficient and timely process for the complainant, the Student Complaints Procedure should be referred to before raising a concern either informally or formally. Download the Student Complaints Procedure.  

Students are strongly encouraged to seek advice both prior to and during the use of the Procedure from the Students’ Union Advice Centre, their Academic Advisor or supervisor, or Student Wellbeing Services.

Matters of concern should be raised at the earliest opportunity and in any case no later than three months from the complainant becoming aware of the event, or sequence of events, giving rise to the complaint. Only exceptionally, and at the University’s discretion, will a complaint raised after this timeframe be considered.

Stage One (Local, Informal Resolution)

A Stage One complaint involves raising awareness of the issue at the earliest opportunity, either in writing or verbally, and discussing it with the relevant staff in the school, department or service area (listed below). The majority of cases are satisfactorily resolved in this way.

Academic appeals

To request a review of assessment, exceptional circumstances or academic misconduct penalty decisions, contact the Secretary to the Appeals Panel, via


To raise an issue concerning student accommodation contact the Student Accommodation Manager, via

Admissions decisions

To raise an issue concerning admissions decisions contact the Head of Admissions, via

Course (School) related matters

To raise an issue contact your course leader, tutor or to escalate the matter, your Head of School.

Course (Registration) related matters

To raise an issue contact the Registrar or Student Information Desk (SID) Team Leader, via MyServices

  • To raise an issue concerning tuition fees contact the Head of Financial Operations, via
  • To raise an issue concerned with student bursaries and scholarships contact the Head of Financial Operations via
  • To raise an issue concerning Procurement or Supply Chains at Bath Spa University contact Please also refer to the University’s Policies regarding Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption and Whistleblowing.
Parking, Transport and Estates Maintenance and Facilities

For all issues concerned with Estates, including parking and transport for Bath Spa, contact

Student Wellbeing Services

For concerns or questions about  mental health, money or wellbeing, contact an advisor for professional advice and guidance, via

Sustainability and Environment

For all matters and issues concerned with sustainability and the environment at Bath Spa, contact

Bath Spa University Partner students

Students studying at one of our partner institutions should contact their tutor at the partner to try and resolve their concern informally in the first instance. Bath Spa University should only be contacted if a student is unable to resolve the matter directly with the partner institution. In those cases, the student should then use Bath Spa's Student Complaints Procedure and should follow the Stage Two process, set out below.

Stage Two (Formal)

When a complaint cannot be dealt with locally and informally to the satisfaction of the complainant, they may submit a Stage Two (Formal) complaint. 

A Stage Two (Formal) complaint must be submitted in writing, via the Student Complaint Form. The objective of the form is to encourage the complainant to provide precise details of the nature of the complaint, summarise the outcome of Stage One, identify the service and/or persons involved, and specify the desired outcome.  

Where a Stage Two (Formal) complaint is eligible for consideration under the Student Complaints Procedure, an investigation will be initiated. An investigating officer will not have had any direct involvement in the matter being investigated and they will normally be a member of University staff.

The University must receive the Stage Two (Formal) complaint within 10 working days of the date of the outcome of Stage One, as determined by the relevant department, school or service area. Where an issue is raised formally before a reasonable attempt has been made for local informal resolution, the University may refer the matter back to Stage One. Only in exceptional circumstances will the University permit Stage One to be bypassed.  

Matters of concern should be raised at the earliest opportunity and in any case no later than three months from the complainant becoming aware of the event, or sequence of events, giving rise to the complaint. Only exceptionally, and at the University’s discretion, will a complaint raised after this timeframe be considered. 

Stage Three (Review)

A review of the findings of the Stage Two (Formal) complaint may be allowed, subject to the discretion of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Student Experience, or their nominee, as specified in paragraph 12 of the Student Complaints Procedure. 

An application for review must be requested in writing (together with a copy of the original complaint, the Investigation Report and the Stage Two outcome letter) and received by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Student Experience (via within 10 working days from the date of the written notification of the Stage Two outcome. The grounds for review must be clearly stated as part of the application, in accordance with the Procedure.  

Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA)

Following the conclusion of the University’s internal complaints procedure, should the resolution of the complaint not be to the student’s satisfaction, they have the option to take their ciomplaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). The OIA is an independent body set up to review student complaints about higher education providers in England and Wales.

Where a case is considered eligible, the OIA will provide independent adjudication on the resolution of complaints, once the University’s internal procedures have been exhausted. Their service is free for students. Further information can be found on their website.

Contact us

For further clarification regarding the University's Student Complaints Procedure, please email

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