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Sustainable Transport Policy – Bath Spa University

Bath Spa University understands that commuting and business-related travel, while essential for the University’s business, has negative impacts from congestion and pollution.

We take our sustainability responsibilities seriously and are committed to minimising the health, social and environmental impacts of our travel.

To this end, we undertake to:

  • Promote travel to and from the University by non-car modes for students, staff and visitors, and to reduce travel by private car wherever there is a viable alternative
  • Provide salary sacrifice cycle to work scheme for staff and develop a similar scheme for EVs
  • Work with local public transport providers, other large employers, and our Local Authority to provide a safe, clean and reliable public transport services for students and staff
  • Reduce business travel by air, where alternatives can be found, and to mitigate unavoidable emissions through environmentally and socially-positive offsetting schemes that can be integrated into the curriculum to enhance student learning and experience
  • Develop on-site residential accommodation where feasible to reduce the need for student travel
  • Develop off-site residential accommodation only in areas that have sustainable travel links to the University
  • Prohibit students (other than those with disabilities) residing in bespoke student accommodation under the control of the University from using a car in connection with their commuting
  • Encourage car sharing for those for whom travel by non-car modes is not a practical option
  • Provide suitable facilities for cyclists at all sites encouraging active travel options
  • Review parking charging structures to encourage sustainable travel options, whilst protecting lower paid staff

This Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it continues to be relevant and fit for purpose.

Date of last approval: June 2022
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor, Professor Susan Rigby

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