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Studying sustainability

Studying sustainability at BSU

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Bath Spa University. We recognise and cherish the unique spaces in which we learn and work, and are committed to creating sustainability-minded, socially-engaged global citizens. 

While we’re continuing to work towards addressing issues relating to sustainability in all our degree courses, we already offer a wide variety of courses that put sustainability right at the forefront. To name a few: 

BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation 

One of the benefits of our beautiful campuses is the opportunity to use them as a “living laboratory”. The diverse flora and fauna create a fantastic resource for studying conservation theory and techniques in our BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation degree. 

You don’t need to travel too far, just a stroll through campus in fact, to find rare and protected species such as horseshoe bats, great crested newts, and stunning birdlife. 

The Wildlife Conservation degree explores many of the economic and social issues related to conservation and the issues facing biodiversity on a local and international scale. 

BSc (Hons) Environmental Science  

For students interested in exploring the science behind current environmental issues, our BSc (Hons) Environmental Science degree offers a detailed and practical look at the world today, how we got here, and how we can create a greener future. 

From marine biology to climatology, sustainable development to environmental hazards and biodiversity assessment, students are able to tailor their degree to their particular interests, as well as participate in field trips both in the UK and overseas. 

BSc (Hons) Global Development and Sustainability 

Focusing firmly on the future and the challenges facing humanity as we race towards an uncertain outlook, the BSc (Hons) Global Development and Sustainability course is engaged in understanding the social, economic, and political effects of climate change, natural hazards and migration. 

Students have travelled across the world from Canada to Kenya to carry out research for their degree, while some have focused on local and regional issues in and around Bath. 

BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design 

Our BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design course is firmly rooted in sustainable practise and creation. By exploring materials and their properties, and finding sustainable solutions to common problems, many of our students offer a green perspective on the future of product design. 

By learning to appreciate the lifecycle of objects from inception to disposal, the degree addresses the future of design and manufacturing.  

But that’s not all… 

Many more of our degrees also have a strong emphasis on sustainability. It’s an important theme throughout our Business and Management degrees, Geography, Sociology and Politics, as well as design subjects such as Fashion Design, Interior Design and Architecture. 

As we look to an uncertain future, BSU students are playing their part in ensuring that protecting the planet we call home is at the centre of everything they go on to do after they graduate.

Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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