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CILIP Carnegie Medal 2021 – Bath Spa University

Five Bath Spa graduates nominated for prestigious children’s literature award

Wednesday, 16 December, 2020

MA Writing for Young People graduates Elen Caldecott, Emma Carroll, Kirsty Applebaum, Lucy Cuthew and Nizrana Farook have been nominated for the 2021 CILIP Carnegie Medal for children’s literature - adding to the growing list of successful Bath Spa Creative Writing graduates.

The CILIP Carnegie Medal is awarded by children’s librarians for an outstanding book written in English for children and young people, and is one of the UK’s oldest and most well-known children’s book awards.

Elen’s nomination is for the book she wrote whilst studying for a PhD at Bath Spa. In fact, the University’s graduates have a strong track record of producing successful novels while on campus; Lucy, Nizrana and Kirsty all wrote their nominated books while on the MA Writing for Young people course too.

Lucy Christopher, Reader in Creative Writing and Course Director for MA Writing for Young People, said: "It's beyond thrilling to have five of our MA graduates on the Carnegie Medal Nomination list this year. These five authors are the very embodiment of what we strive to encourage on our wonderful MA course - they’re brave, experimental, full of heart and full of talent. We are extremely proud of them all."

You can see the full nomination list online. The Medals are awarded annually with longlists announced in February 2021, shortlists in March and the winners announced at a ceremony in June.

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