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Sexual Violence Awareness – Bath Spa University

Sexual Violence Awareness Week


Bath Spa University unites with other universities in the West of England on a new manifesto that states that sexual violence and harassment “will not be tolerated”

Monday, 5 February, 2024

Today [5 Feb], at the beginning of Sexual Violence Awareness Week, Bath Spa University has joined other universities in the West of England in a collective pledge to tackle sexual violence and harassment, with a “no tolerance” approach.

The commitment was signed into life by the Vice-Chancellors of Bath Spa University, University of Bath, University of Bristol and UWE Bristol, and the Presidents and Officers of these respective Students’ Unions.

Vice-Chancellor of Bath Spa University, Professor Sue Rigby said:

"By signing this Joint Commitment, we are sending a strong message to the university community and beyond that sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. We want to continue to raise awareness of sexual abuse and violence, be clear on the work taking place across the university on the prevention of sexual violence, and to provide an opportunity for all our students and staff to be confident to report any instances and engage in dialogue about this as a wider conversation.”

The ‘joint commitment’ sets out 10 ways in which the universities will foster a safe environment on campus, while making sure that students affected by sexual violence or harassment are supported. This plan includes educating students on consent, providing clear channels to report inappropriate behaviour and supporting students if they want to report sexual violence or harassment.

In a joint statement, the universities and their students’ unions said:

“We believe that all students should feel safe at university so that they can reach their academic potential and fully immerse themselves in campus life.

Today, we are sending a clear message that sexual violence and harassment is simply not acceptable. It’s sometimes hard to talk about inappropriate behaviour and that’s why we’re bringing it out in the open. We also want to make clear to all our students, be they at Bath Spa University, University of Bath, University of Bristol or UWE Bristol, that help and support is available.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this pledge and who continues to support this important work.”

The joint statement was made by:

  • Vice-Chancellor & President Evelyn Welch and the Students’ Union at the University of Bristol
  • Vice-Chancellor & President Prof. Ian White and the Students’ Union at the University of Bath
  • Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sue Rigby and the Students’ Union at Bath Spa University
  • Vice-Chancellor & President Prof. Sir Steve West and the Students' Union at UWE Bristol

You can read the joint commitment to our students on sexual violence and harassment.

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