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Introducing the Creatives

Gemma Wynton, Writer in Residence at The Studio in Palace Yard Mews and second-year Creative Writing and Publishing student, gives us her insights into some of the work of the Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries team.

Hi there, so, I’m a new voice amongst the Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries team, and you’ll soon become pretty familiar with me as I bring you some behind-the-scenes, and some not-so-behind-the-scenes insights into the work of the CCCI. My name is Gemma Wynton and I am the ‘Writer in Residence’ for the team based at The Studio in Palace Yard Mews, Bath. I am a second-year Creative Writing/Publishing student at Bath Spa University. Born in Cambridge, raised in Norfolk and now living and studying in Bath, I am a writer of Science Fiction/Fantasy and Dystopias. I also write for children, including YA and Middle Grade. I love books (obviously) and am dipping my toe into editing, design, marketing and book production on the publishing side of my degree.

My work here will be part of my Professional Portfolio, a creative writing module that encourages students to find where their work sits within the industry. My newfound love for non-fiction has brought me here and I am excited to show you the amazing work being done by the people outside of the classroom.

But that’s enough from me; before I dive in and show you the work we do, some introductions are in order!

Kate Pullinger

Kate is Director of the CCCI and a professor of Creative Writing and Digital Media here at Bath Spa University. Her career took off when her novel The Mistress of Nothing won the Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction, and since then she has published numerous other novels. Her current project Forest Green is due out in April 2020.

She doesn’t only rule the world of fiction, but has also delved into the world of digital fiction, creating a narrative-centred story, Breathe, which you can get for free on your phone. Breathe was also shortlisted for the New Media Writing Prize in 2019 —seriously, this woman just goes for all the awards! In 2014 her novel Landing Gear was published, and she collaborated with author and theatre-maker Neil Bartlett to create a digital war memorial called Letter to an Unknown Soldier. This inspired 22,000 people to write their own letters to the unknown soldier. Let me say that again—22,000 people!

Among other things, she frequently gives readings and talks, but we’ll be focusing on her work here at Palace Yard Mews from here on out. She was born in Canada and after studying philosophy and literature for a year and a half, she called it a day and went off around the world exploring. She stumbled across a city called London and then a city called Bath, and I think it’s fair to say she’s here to stay—for a while at least.

Abigail Branagan

Abigail is a business advisor and freelance project manager—the mother hen of our offices here at Palace Yard Mews; yes, that includes stationery drawers. She has over twenty years' experience in the Cultural and Creative sector and has been working as an Employer Liaison Consultant for Bath Spa University since 2016. Though she claims not to be a writer, she has had a persistent, but not yet written novel circulating in her mind for a number of years. Just you wait Abigail, I spy a book deal! She has achieved a BA in Fine Art from the University of Plymouth, and although she quickly turned away from the more ‘obvious’ creative path, she can write esteemed reports until the sun goes down!

Some day she hopes to open her own bakery, but for now, she’s working hard to make sure that everything here at Palace Yard is running smoothly.

Lucy Sweetman

Lucy is a part-time Senior Lecturer for Creative Writing here at Bath Spa; she is a freelancer, author, communications consultant and trainer for organisations working with young people. Her work is largely based on her experience as a youth worker; for her, young people are at the heart of everything that she does. Between her work with Bath Spa, as a lecturer, tutor and researcher, and her freelance copywriting business, she is an incredibly busy woman, but she always makes time for other people—she is writing her next book, which will get finished… eventually.

All of these women are busy and headstrong in their mission to improve the reach of the creative industries in the southwest of England—more on that later! It’s incredibly inspiring to see a project such as this being led by some amazing women, and already I want to do my best to show you all their incredible work throughout these next few months.

Until next time…


Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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