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Thomas Morris – Bath Spa University

Personal statement

My research focuses on understanding the barriers to and nature of lifelong learning, and adult and continuing education

Specifically, how pedagogy in formal education can be oppressive or emancipatory in terms of fostering competence for personal growth and development through lifelong self-directed learning, and experiential learning, which can afford a person the adaptability necessary to meet the challenges we face in our rapidly changing world.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD (Doctor of Education; University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (FHEA)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
  • Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
  • MSc (University of Exeter)
  • BSc (Loughborough University)

Teaching subjects

  • Education for Change EDU4000 (Module Leader)
  • Controversial Issues in Special and Inclusive Education EDU4101 (Module Tutor)
  • Professional Practice in Schools EDU5003 (Module Tutor)
  • Sociology of Education EDU5104 (Module Leader)
  • Dissertation Project Part 1 EDU6000 (Module Tutor)
  • Dissertation Project Part 2 EDU6001 (Module Tutor)
  • Research Methods in Social Science EDU7101 (Supervisor)
  • Research and the Professional Part 2 EDU7103 (Supervisor)
  • Professional Doctorate in Education (Supervisor)

External roles

PhD Research supervision

Prospective PhD or EdD Students are welcome, especially those interested in:

Understanding and advocation of learning environments that enable lifelong learning, learner growth, development, and freedom. In particular, understanding one or more of the following dimensions of learning and its facilitation:

  • Self-Directed Learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Adult Learning
  • Continuing Education in the Professions
  • Adult Education

Current PhD/EdD supervision - as Director of Studies

Foulkes, J. (2024 - Present) at Bath Spa University on “Addressing the Barriers for Adult Learners to Higher Education in England.”

Research and academic outputs

Go to ResearchSPAce

An analysis of Rolf Arnold's systemic-constructivist perspective on self-directed learning

Morris, T.H (2019) 'An analysis of Rolf Arnold's systemic-constructivist perspective on self-directed learning.' In: Rohs, M, Schüßler, I, Müller, H-J and Schiefner-Rohs, M, eds. Pädagogische Perspektiven auf Transformationsprozesse: Reflexionen auf Rolf Arnolds Forschen und Wirken. wbv, Bielefeld, Germany, pp. 301-313. ISBN 9783763958399

Editorial - Social movements and lifelong learning – learning for change or learning for democracy?

Hoggan-Kloubert, T, Brandi, U, Hodge, S, Milana, M and Morris, T.H (2024) 'Editorial - Social movements and lifelong learning – learning for change or learning for democracy?' International Journal of Lifelong Education, 43 (5). pp. 467-472. ISSN 0260-1370

Four dimensions of self-directed learning: a fundamental meta-competence in a changing world

Morris, T.H (2024) 'Four dimensions of self-directed learning: a fundamental meta-competence in a changing world.' Adult Education Quarterly, 74 (3). pp. 236-254. ISSN 0741-7136

Editorial - In times of trouble, what is the role of lifelong education and educators?

Hodge, S, Brandi, U, Hoggan-Kloubert, T, Milana, M and Morris, T.H (2024) 'Editorial - In times of trouble, what is the role of lifelong education and educators?' International Journal of Lifelong Education, 43 (2-3). pp. 87-92. ISSN 0260-1370

Homeschooling in a digital age: how digital technologies can help children foster a love for (self-directed) lifelong learning

Morris, T.H and Pannone, S.J (2024) 'Homeschooling in a digital age: how digital technologies can help children foster a love for (self-directed) lifelong learning.' International Review of Education. ISSN 0020-8566

Self-directed learning and student-centered learning: a conceptual comparison

Morris, T.H, Bremner, N and Sakata, N (2023) 'Self-directed learning and student-centered learning: a conceptual comparison.' Pedagogy, Culture & Society. ISSN 1468-1366

Reimagining online teacher education: combining self-directed learning with peer feedback for interaction and engagement

Morris, T.H, Schön, M and Drayson, M.C (2023) 'Reimagining online teacher education: combining self-directed learning with peer feedback for interaction and engagement.' Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning. ISSN 2397-7604

The potential for digital technology to support self-directed learning in formal education of children: a scoping review

Morris, T.H and Rohs, M (2023) 'The potential for digital technology to support self-directed learning in formal education of children: a scoping review.' Interactive Learning Environments, 31 (4). pp. 1974-1987. ISSN 1744-5191

Examining barriers to participation in further and continuing education in Germany: why a regional perspective is (still) important

Morris, T.H, Steinmüller, B and Rohs, M (2022) 'Examining barriers to participation in further and continuing education in Germany: why a regional perspective is (still) important.' International Review of Education, 68. pp. 551-577. ISSN 0020-8566

How creativity is oppressed through traditional education

Morris, T.H (2022) 'How creativity is oppressed through traditional education.' On the Horizon, 30 (3). pp. 133-140. ISSN 1074-8121

Digitization bolstering self-directed learning for information literate adults – a systematic review

Morris, T.H and Rohs, M (2021) 'Digitization bolstering self-directed learning for information literate adults – a systematic review.' Computers and Education Open, 2. e100048. ISSN 2666-5573

Meeting educational challenges of pre- and post- COVID-19 conditions through self-directed learning: considering the contextual quality of educational experience necessary

Morris, T.H (2021) 'Meeting educational challenges of pre- and post- COVID-19 conditions through self-directed learning: considering the contextual quality of educational experience necessary.' On the Horizon, 29 (2). pp. 52-61. ISSN 1074-8121

Self-directed experiential learning to meet ever-changing entrepreneurship demands

Morris, T.H and König, P.D (2021) 'Self-directed experiential learning to meet ever-changing entrepreneurship demands.' Education + Training, 63 (1). pp. 23-49. ISSN 0040-0912

Transformative learning through mindfulness: exploring the mechanism of change

Morris, T.H (2020) 'Transformative learning through mindfulness: exploring the mechanism of change.' Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 60 (1). pp. 44-65. ISSN 1443-1394

Creativity through self-directed learning: three distinct dimensions of teacher support

Morris, T.H (2020) 'Creativity through self-directed learning: three distinct dimensions of teacher support.' International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39 (2). pp. 168-178. ISSN 1464-519X

Experiential learning – a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model

Morris, T.H (2020) 'Experiential learning – a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model.' Interactive Learning Environments, 28 (8). pp. 1064-1077. ISSN 1744-5191

Self-directed learning: a fundamental competence in a rapidly changing world

Morris, T.H (2019) 'Self-directed learning: a fundamental competence in a rapidly changing world.' International Review of Education, 65 (4). pp. 633-653. ISSN 0020-8566

Adaptivity through self-directed learning to meet the challenges of our ever-changing world

Morris, T.H (2019) 'Adaptivity through self-directed learning to meet the challenges of our ever-changing world.' Adult Learning, 30 (2). pp. 56-66. ISSN 0955-2308

Vocational education of young adults in England: a systemic analysis of teaching–learning transactions that facilitate self-directed learning

Morris, T.H (2018) 'Vocational education of young adults in England: a systemic analysis of teaching–learning transactions that facilitate self-directed learning.' Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 70 (4). pp. 619-643. ISSN 1363-6820

Facilitating self-directed learning in adult and vocational education

Morris, T.H (2019) Facilitating self-directed learning in adult and vocational education. PhD thesis, University of Kaiserslautern.

Epistemologies and ethics in adult education and lifelong learning [book review]

Morris, T.H (2023) Epistemologies and ethics in adult education and lifelong learning [book review]. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 42 (1). pp. 117-119. ISSN 0260-1370

Self-directed learning as a tool for lifelong learning: fundamental to meet the demands of our ever-changing world [blog post]

Morris, T.H (2022) Self-directed learning as a tool for lifelong learning: fundamental to meet the demands of our ever-changing world [blog post]. Emerald Publishing.

How to teach without instructing: 29 smart rules for educators [book review]

Morris, T.H (2018) How to teach without instructing: 29 smart rules for educators [book review]. Adult Education Quarterly, 68 (1). pp. 80-81. ISSN 0741-7136

Research grants and Editorial Boards

Editorial Review Board. On the Horizon.From October 2023 to-date.

Morris, T. H. (2019). Principle Investigator: Self-Directed Learning in a Digitized World Project. TU-Nachwuchsring [Research Awards for Young Talented Scientists]. FundRef: doi.10.13039/100009044 Technische Universität Kaiserslautern: DE

Conference presentations

Morris, T.H. (2023). Promoting World Peace through the Back Door: The Importance of Fostering (Self-Directed) Lifelong Learning Competence in Formal Schooling. I Vote for Peace Conference, Rivne, Ukraine 28 April 2023.

Morris, T.H., and Preedy, S. (2023). Experiential Learning and Self-directed Learning as key pillars of Entrepreneurial Education. International Scientific and Practical Conference Innovation Research and Development Prospects of Science and Technology in the xxi Century, Rivne, Ukraine. International University of Economics and Humanities.

Morris, T. H., and Yeh, C. S-H. (2021). Presentation of research project. Self-directed learning to meet the challenges of our ever-changing world: an empirical study exploring how SDL promotes creativity in higher education. International Society for Self-Directed Learning, SDL Virtual Summit, USA.

Morris, T. H., and Schön, M. (2020). Poster presentation. Optimizing the facilitation of self-directed learning in online Higher Education. DGfE-Kongress 2020, Köln, Germany.

Morris, T. H., Rohs, M., Scherner, C., and Meilke, N. E. (2019). Poster presentation of research project. A systematic review of the typologies of self-directed adult learning. DGfE conference for adult education, Halle, Germany.

Morris, T. H. (2019). Poster presentation of research project. Experiential learning - a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. DGfE conference for adult education, Halle, Germany.

Morris, T. H. (2019). Defense presentation of doctoral thesis. University of Kaiserslautern. Facilitating self-directed learning in adult and vocational education.

Morris, T. H. (2018). Poster presentation at “Visions of Student Success" at the Hochschule Kaiserslautern. Morris, T. H. Vocational education of young adults in England: A systemic analysis of teaching-learning transactions that facilitate self-directed learning.

Morris, T. H. (2018). Preliminary presentation of doctoral thesis at University of Kaiserslautern research conference. Morris, T. H. Facilitating self-directed learning in adult and vocational education.

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