Graduation terms and Conditions
Everything you need to know about who can attend Graduation, including a helpful glossary of terms.
It's your responsibility as a graduate to read through and understand the terms and conditions below and to contact the Graduation Office on graduation@bathspa.ac.uk if you have any queries. By registering to attend a Bath Spa University graduation ceremony, you're agreeing to the following:
Academic dress
Academic dress is obligatory at Bath Spa University graduation events and should be ordered from the University’s gown hire provider, Ede & Ravenscroft. The charge to hire or purchase academic dress is made directly to the gown hire provider and any enquiries about a gown order should be directed to them.
Children and babies
Children and babies are eligible to attend however, regardless of their age, they will be included as a guest and will count towards the two guest limit for each graduand. Out of respect for other guests, we request that small children are taken outside the auditorium if they become unsettled during the ceremony so as not to disturb proceedings.
Parents/carers are responsible for their children at all times whilst on site and children must not be left unsupervised at any time.
Dogs (other than assistance/guide dogs) will not be permitted at the graduation celebration events and should not be left in cars during the celebrations.
Data protection
In accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018), the Graduation Office can only discuss a graduand’s ceremony with the graduand.
Any contact details given during online booking will be used for graduation purposes.
Graduands who attend a graduation event will have their full name(s) and surname announced, as it is recorded in their official student record. If a graduand has a query about their name they should contact graduation@bathspa.ac.uk to make an amendment to their officially registered name. Names cannot be amended after an award has been made.
Graduands' names are also printed in full in the graduation programme, which is a public document given to all graduands at their ceremony. Programmes for those not attending an in-person celebration event are available upon request by contacting graduation@bathspa.ac.uk. The names of all graduands eligible to attend the congregation will be printed alphabetically by surname under the heading of their award; there will be no indication of the classification of degree awarded.
Graduands should contact the Graduation Office by emailing graduation@bathspa.ac.uk to discuss any issues arising in relation to this use of personal information.
Outstanding tuition fee debts to Bath Spa University must be settled in full before an award certificate or transcript can be issued. An outstanding debt does not prevent a graduand from attending a graduation ceremony. If a graduand has a query about any debts, they should contact myfinance@bathspa.ac.uk.
Eligibility to graduate in July 2024 is subject to your award being agreed at a Central Assessment Board on or before Wednesday 15 July 2024.
Filming and photography
Photography is not permitted during the ceremony, as this can be distracting and obstruct the view of others.
The University may have an official photographer present. Please note: footage may also be used for media publications and advertising as well as social media. All graduands and guests should be aware that they may feature in this footage. By registering to attend the graduation ceremony, both students and guests are giving permission for their image to be recorded and used in the manner described above.
Graduands should contact the Graduation Office by emailing graduation@bathspa.ac.uk to discuss any issues arising in relation to this.
Luggage and other belongings
There's limited space at The Forum and in the auditorium, so we ask you to try to limit the amount of items you bring with you. We're unable to store items.
Mobile phones
Graduands and guests must ensure that their mobile phones are on silent or switched off during the celebration event.
Registration and tickets
Graduands must register online for graduation by the closing date indicated in their invitation. Those who do not register by the deadline are not guaranteed attendance at their graduation ceremony. No tickets will be allocated until online registration has been completed.
Any graduand who registers before the deadline is guaranteed a ticket for themselves and a number of guest tickets, up to the limit we specify in your invitation.
Tickets for the graduation ceremonies will be issued only to eligible graduands who have registered to attend the ceremony.
Right to refuse entry
The graduand must be robed and seated prior to the start of the Graduation ceremony. No graduand or guest will be allowed to enter a ceremony once it has commenced.
Bath Spa University reserves the right to ask any person to leave the venue(s) if their behaviour is disruptive to the proceedings.
Bath Spa University reserves the right to refuse entry to the Graduation ceremonies or venue.
Specific seating
The graduand agrees that any special requirements for themselves or their guests such as wheelchair access, sight or sound facilities are submitted during the booking process to allow for appropriate seating allocation.
Unforeseen circumstances
Bath Spa University aims to provide Graduation events as advertised but reserves the right to make alterations to events if necessary, or in the case of unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather conditions, national events, government guidelines or staff absence.
In the event that a Graduation event has to be cancelled, rescheduled or postponed, the University will make every effort to contact graduands and in addition will announce information on the University website and via other channels available.
Glossary of terms
Academic dress/robes: The collective term for the robe, hood and hat worn by graduands and academic staff.
Deferral: The process by which an invited graduand postpones their Graduation ceremony attendance to a future event (at the discretion of the Academic Registrar).
Eligibility: Eligibility depends on your degree being awarded at an Assessments board before the relevant graduation ceremony.
Graduand: A student who has been invited to attend a graduation ceremony. Once your award has been conferred you will become a graduate.
Certificate: A document issued by the University to signify that a student has attained a specified level of academic achievement. The certificate bears the signature of approved officials, the University name, and details of the award.
Transcript: Document issued by the University that shows the modules that have been taken in each year of study; the assessment marks and grades for each module (where applicable); the total number of credits gained in each module taken; the final overall mark (where applicable) the total number of credits gained; the qualification awarded, degree classification (where applicable) and date of award.
It's important to note that the University reserves the right to cancel any or all of the graduation ceremonies up to 48 hours in advance should circumstances mean it is not safe for the events to go ahead.
Still have questions?
Contact the Graduation Office on graduation@bathspa.ac.uk and we'll be happy to help!