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Leviathan – Bath Spa University

Leviathan: a collaborative performance project with James Wilton Dance

Leviathan saw second year Dance students perform alongside professional dancers in a large-scale project at Green Park Station in the centre of Bath. The event was a collaborative project between Bath Spa Dance, Bath Dance, and James Wilton Dance, and marked the culmination of a week-long intensive development period.  

"This project was a wonderful opportunity for the Bath Spa dancers to get a real sense of the demands of the profession. James Wilton really pushed the dancers to their physical and creative limits and the results were absolutely breathtaking."

Michelle Elliott, Subject Leader for Dance
Michelle Elliott

The performance gave students a chance to develop skills in Wilton's trademark blend of athletic dance, martial arts, capoeira and partner work. The show was accompanied by a powerful electro-rock soundtrack by Lunatic Soul.

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