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MA Performance (Music)
Bath School of Music and Performing Arts
Campus or location
Newton Park
Course length
One year full-time or two years part-time.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements for our postgraduate courses vary. We're generally looking for a good honours degree or equivalent.

Some courses also require an interview or the submission of a portfolio of work.

Please contact our admissions team for more information:

Enhance your understanding of the performance industry and develop your creative practice on our MA Performance (Music) course.

  • Perform for wide audiences and take your skills to the next level.
  • Collaborate with other Performance students as part of our in-house production company.
  • Receive vocal/instrumental coaching from experienced tutors.

Performers learn from each other. On our MA Performance (Music) course, you’ll  develop your own specific skill set, but also work with directors, conductors, instrumentalists,  and creative producers to develop your work and ideas. Along with students from other MA Performance pathways, you’ll become part of our in-house Bath Spa Productions company - a company of unique talents that are individually and collectively developed.

Our MA Performance (Music) course will help you to understand the wider world of the performance industry and  allow you to gain key skills and knowledge in your specific discipline.

Our production house, Bath Spa Productions, offers a range of projects that engage professionals and give opportunities to extend your networks and profile your work.

What you'll learn


You’ll receive instrumental or voice coaching from experienced tutors alongside your solo work, where you’ll develop your research, collaborative, ensemble, and publicity skills. The course culminates with a final project, where you’ll prepare a performance, normally a high-profile public recital. 

This course gives you, as an instrumental/vocal performer, the skills and opportunities to develop your individual and ensemble skills to a high level. You’ll undertake four modules over two trimesters, giving you time to develop long term strategies for research and performance skills.

The music department at Bath Spa has particular performance specialisms in voice, keyboards, guitars, percussion and brass. 

Course structure

Trimester one
In the first trimester, you begin two year-long modules, which focus on core technical skills and the mutually beneficial links between research and practice.

From the start of this course, the Skills module immerses you in the practical training necessary to develop your skills as a performer. The Professional Practice module will allow you to strengthen your practice while developing your personal process and approach.

Trimester two
Learn to be an effective collaborator. You’ve laid the foundations for developing your own skills; now you turn your attention to how to apply these in collaborative projects – in teams, in companies, and with artists and other professionals.

Alongside this, you’ll develop a performance company with fellow MA students and create public performances, with opportunities to work on SparkFest, the festival we run in collaboration with Bath Festivals, which takes place on campus, across the city, and online. You continue to develop your work, supported by the weekly seminars, responding to internal and external opportunities and considering the way your work engages with audiences.

Trimester three
The third trimester involves a Major Project, for which you’ll prepare a programme for a substantial public performance. The content and structure of this project will be negotiated with course tutors.

How will I be assessed?

You’ll complete individual assignments for each module, including essays, performance on your instrument or voice, reflective commentaries on your process, and lecture recitals.

How will I be taught?

Modules are taught through, seminars, practical workshops and instrument/voice coaching sessions. These are supported by individual tutorials and online activity within the Virtual Learning Environment.

The Major Project involves student-directed work, with supporting tutorials. We encourage you to make full use of library and IT resources, and time will be scheduled in studios and workstations labs for independent study, as appropriate.

To find out more about how we teach and how you'll learn, please read our Learning and Teaching Delivery Statement.

Course modules

This course includes or offers the following modules. Please check the programme document for more information on which modules are core, required or optional.

  • Professional Practice
  • Skills Portfolio
  • Performance Practices
  • Professional Collaboration
  • Major Project



Our graduates work in a wide range of performance-related areas such as:

  • Orchestral performance
  • Opera
  • Conducting
  • Choral direction
  • Chamber musician
  • Accompaniment
  • Session work
  • Music promotion
  • The record industry
  • Broadcast media
  • Teaching
  • Community music projects
  • University lecturing.

Our Careers team run networking events and advisory workshops that explore your future options and the essentials of the job application process. Career support continues for years after you graduate with the dedicated Graduate Support Unit.

Masterclass programme

There is a well-established masterclass programme at Bath Spa University. Previous visitors have included:

  • Dame Emma Kirkby (voice)
  • Isobel Buchanan (voice)
  • Stefano Parrino (flute)
  • Badke Quartet (strings)
  • Florian Uhlig (piano)
  • Professor Colin Lawson (clarinet)
  • Andy Sheppard (saxophone)
  • Ensemble Bash (percussion)
  • Madeleine Mitchell (violin)
Work placements, industry links and internships

You’ll work on real-time creative projects for the University’s in-house production company, Bath Spa Productions. This means collaborating with professional theatre directors, choreographers, writers, musicians, theatre companies and venues – to develop your networks and the skills you’ll need for your future career.

Adobe Creative Campus

Develop a wealth of indispensable digital skills that you can take into your future career. One of only three Adobe Creative Campuses in the UK, we provide all Bath Spa students with access to the full Adobe Creative Suite, giving you the tools to communicate creatively, whatever your course or chosen professional field.   

Facilities and resources

Where the subject is taught

Based at our Newton Park campus, you’ll have access to a fully-equipped concert hall, full range of studio/rehearsal and teaching spaces, a range of instruments including a full gamelan, music labs and state-of-the-art facilities.

  • Commons building, with its superb classroom facilities, social spaces, and specialist digital resources.
  • Michael Tippett Centre, housing a purpose-built concert hall with excellent acoustics and PA.
  • University Theatre.
  • Newton Park Library, including a large collection of books, periodicals and CDs with extensive eBook and online journal access.
  • Support for your academic work from the Writing and Learning Centre, including feedback on written drafts and help with academic writing.
  • English Language support from the English Language Unit, which can help you improve your English, reach your potential and boost your confidence.
  • Virtual Learning Environment, which provides online access to learning materials such as lecture slides, assessment information, discussion boards and other resources.
  • Free equipment loan service, which provides a huge variety including field recording, film and other audio related equipment.
  • Access to thousands of business, design and tech courses online via LinkedIn Learning.
  • Access to the full Adobe Creative Suite.


2024 entry
Student Annual tuition fee
UK full time £8,825
UK part time £4,413*
International full time £17,065

Additional course costs

You may need to pay additional course costs over and above your tuition fees, for example, for specialist equipment or trips and visits. Please check the course Programme Document (linked under the main image on this page) for details of any additional costs. You can also read our Additional Course Costs Policy for further information.

Fee notes

*Fee shown is for part time study over two years, although some courses may be available over longer periods.

Interested in applying?

What we look for in potential students

We offer places based on your quality, commitment, and potential to thrive on the course.

Typical offers

We usually require candidates to have a good first degree in any academic subject. You may be considered without a first degree if you can demonstrate considerable relevant experience. See our Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) web page to learn more.

There are no formal interviews; places are based on the submissions of the relevant forms and recordings.

How do I apply?

Ready to apply? Click the "apply now" button in the centre of this page. 

Need more guidance? Head to our how to apply webpages.

Application and portfolio guidance

Your application should be accompanied by a portfolio of creative work. The nature of this portfolio will depend on the work you make, but is likely to contain a mix of film, sound design, music production, sound installation work, or similar. It is easiest to put the materials in a folder (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) with a document listing what it contains, and links to any external work online. 

Typically, a portfolio consists of two or three pieces. Above all we’ll be looking for the creative use of sound in your work. 

Please email the course leader if you have any questions about the course, and don’t forget to book an Open Day so that you can meet us in person and take a tour of our facilities.

Guidance for international students

Just like our domestic applicants, international students are asked to submit an online application portfolio (see above). An online meeting with the course leader can be arranged if you have questions about the course. Further information will be provided on application.

When to apply

Many of our postgraduate courses have a limited number of student spaces. To avoid the disappointment of the course being full, we recommend that you apply now.

Late applications (generally those made after 31 July) will only be considered if places remain on the course.

Need more information or still have questions? Contact us to discuss your situation.

Course leader: Matt Dicken

Credit: Nick Spratling @nick_theofficialphotographer

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