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Accommodation Support – Bath Spa University

The Student Accommodation team will give you support and guidance – wherever you're living.

We're committed to ensuring that you have a good living experience while studying with us. We have a range of support services available to you.

Services and support

Meet with us

If you need to speak to our Accommodation team in person, you can find us at the Student Hub between 1:30pm–4:30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during term time. When the University is in between semesters or study breaks, we will not be at the Hub.

Alternatively, you can request a virtual meeting if you prefer. Please email us at to discuss this with our team.

You can also contact us by phone on +44 (0)1225 876777. Our availability is Monday–Friday, 10am–4pm.

In an emergency situation, you can contact the Security team on +44 (0)1225 875555.

UUK Code

We have committed to the Universities UK Code of Practice for University Managed Student Accommodation in all University managed halls of residence.

The Code aims to promote best practice over a range of management activities including:

  • Health and safety standards
  • Maintenance and repair regimes
  • Environmental quality
  • Landlord and tenant relationships
  • Student welfare 
  • Anti-social behaviour
The Student Accommodation Code

We're committed to The Student Accommodation Code in all of our University-managed halls of residence.

The Student Accommodation Code is there to protect your rights to a safe, good quality place to live and has been developed by Universities UK and GuildHE to make sure you get the best out of your time living in university or college accommodation.

The Accommodation Code logo

Info for parents and guardians

Bath Spa has a range of accommodation options, all of which are safe and comfortable places to live. Please see our accommodation options for more information and our eligibility criteria.

Please be aware we cannot discuss student information over phone or email with any individual, even if they claim to be a friend or family member, without prior permission from the student.

Parents, relatives and third parties often contact the University to ask for personal information about students. For example, they may ask how they are settling in, particularly if the student has not been in touch, or try to resolve a problem on the student's behalf.

The University is unable to disclose student information due to the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act protects a person’s right to privacy in relation to their personal information, and controls how the information is used. This means that the University is unable to pass on information about a student, even to their family, unless the student has given consent for that information to be released to a specific person.

We encourage parents to contact students directly or encourage the student to get in touch with the University to access available help and support. It’s important to bear in mind that we need to hear directly from the student. We have a contractual agreement with them, and are unable to discuss their contract with anybody else under Data Protection legislation.

For more information, please read our guide for parents, guardians and supporters.


Under 18s

Bath Spa University Accommodation – Under 18s Policy

(Revised March 2018)

1.0 Bath Spa Accommodation will:

  1. Offer accommodation to all those students who fulfil the criteria set out by accommodation policies and terms and conditions.
  2. Treat students equally under the terms and conditions of the Licence Agreement, regardless of age.
  3. Offer support to the student if requested, and arrange follow-up meetings where requested by the student.
  4. Send relevant documentation to the student and parent/guardian or guarantor that is required to be accepted/signed and returned to Accommodation Services by the parent/guardian or guarantor before the student can take up residence.  

2.0 Bath Spa Accommodation will not:

  1. Carry out DBS checks for staff attending the residences for the upkeep of the building, any other students living within the same building, or any visiting guests.
  2. Act in Loco Parentis or provide direct supervision of the student. The individual’s parent or named guardian will remain primarily responsible.
  3. Monitor how the student spends their leisure time or manages their finances, both within and outside of accommodation.

3.0 Any students under 18 staying in halls must:

  1. Abide by the University’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedure (.pdf) (which covers guidance and procedures for Under 18s)
  2. Agree to the License Agreement for their University managed accommodation
  3. Abide by the conditions laid out in the Residents’ Handbook, and UK legislation, particularly legislation for Under-18s e.g. alcohol laws etc.
  4. Stay away from the lake on Newton Park Campus without a parent or guardian
  5. Proactively seek support to overcome any issues or difficulties they are encountering
  6. Provide the name and address of a parent, guardian or other responsible adult who will be the point of contact for emergencies. This will be the next of kin mentioned on the student’s application form unless the student notifies Housing Services otherwise.
Community Food Larder

We developed our Community Food Larder project to help address students' cost of living concerns and improve the student experience. They provide a supply of free food that you can use in lots of different recipes. If you're in need of food, please take what you need and leave the rest for others in need. 

The larders are based in the laundry room of Sophia (near Gardens), Langton courtyard (Lakeside), Commons (ground floor stairwell), Locksbrook and Bankside House. They're re-stocked on the first Friday of every month during term-time. The first delivery for this coming academic year will be 4 October 2024.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the larder initiative, please contact our Accommodation team.

More information on all the support the University offers to students facing cost of living concerns can be found on our Cost of living page.

Help with accommodation costs

For further information on support available, we've listed extra resources below.

Student Finance entitlement check

Check you're receiving your full entitlement to Student Finance and that you have applied for a means-tested maintenance loan (taking into account your household income).

You can check this by using the Student Finance calculator and checking your online account.   

Speak to a Wellbeing Advisor

If you're having problems with your student finance you can speak with a Wellbeing Advisor from Student Wellbeing Services.

For more information on how to contact a Wellbeing Advisor, please visit the wellbeing advisor page.

Find a part-time job

Most students are able to work during their studies and often secure part-time employment to supplement their maintenance loan.

The Bath Spa University Careers Service can assist you in your search for work and help you to develop your employability skills.

You can contact them now for support and advice about finding part-time work in Bath.  

Research student bank accounts

It's also worth investigating the various student bank accounts available to you. Many include interest-free overdrafts that can help you throughout your studies.

You can set this up before you arrive at University by using your UCAS letter confirming your place at University. Some also offer other perks such as the 16-25 Railcard.

Find out more on the moneysavingexpert student page. This website includes further useful information.  

Cost of living support

For detailed information on support available to help with cost of living ,please see the Student Wellbeing Services Cost of Living support page.

Research local trusts and charities

You can also research local Trusts and Charities to examine how they might help with smaller grants to help with education costs, depending on your circumstances.

The following sites include search tools allowing you to filter those that are relevant to your circumstances:  

Accommodation bursaries

For the 2024/25 academic year, we are helping students in our accommodation with financial support in the form of a £500 bursary.

£500 will be awarded to eligible students and is provided for accommodation use to help pay towards rental payments and other housing-related expenses.

Students qualify for this one-off bursary if their household income is equal to or less than £20,000 as a threshold.

The bursary payment will be automatically paid to eligible students by 31 January and covers all home status undergraduate students in our halls of residence (University-managed or third-party nomination agreement accommodation).

If you have any questions regarding this please contact the Student Awards team: or write to us.

Lifestyle preferences

We understand students applying for a room in our accommodation have hopes and expectations about what life will be like when living at Bath Spa. Our team are here to support students throughout the application process and we aim to cater for a range of lifestyle preferences where this is demand. Please read on for some of the options available when applying.

Quiet halls of residence

If you are interested in living in a quieter living environment, you can note this preference on your application. We will try to allocate you with other like-minded students who also indicate this preference. If there is insufficient demand from applicants then please note we may not be able to fulfill this preference request.

We do not implement formal restrictions when you live in quiet accommodation. However, we would expect students to reach an informal agreement or set expectations among themselves. We would expect any visitors to your accommodation to adhere to the informal agreement as well. 

Unfortunately, external and environmental noise are often beyond our control in relation to this arrangement. However, students being impacted by this can still reach out to the University for support.

Alcohol free halls of residence

If you are interested in living within an alcohol free environment, you can note this preference on your application. We will try to allocate you with other like-minded students who also indicate this preference. If there is insufficient demand from applicants then please note we may not be able to fulfill this preference request.

In alcohol free flats, residents and visitors are not permitted to bring in, store, or consume alcohol both in communal areas (kitchen and corridors) or in bedrooms.

Please only choose this option if you are interested in living in an alcohol free environment. If you are made a room offer within a designated alcohol free flat, alcohol is not permitted within communal areas or bedrooms. 

Mature environment

If you would prefer to live in an environment with mature students, defined by UCAS as any student aged 21 or over at the start of their studies, you can note this preference on your application. We will try to allocate you with other students 21 and over who also indicate this preference when applying.

As the vast majority of our halls are reserved for first year undergraduate students, the option to live with mature students is not always something we can offer. However, we will certainly attempt to, provided we receive the demand from applications.

Single sex/gender

If you are interested in living within a flat or house that contains students of the same sex/gender then you can note this preference on your application. We will try to allocate you with other students who select this preference on their form. If there is insufficient demand from applicants then please note we may not be able to fulfill this preference request.

LGBTQ+ Halls

If you identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community and wish to live with others from the community, you can note this preference on your application. We will try to allocate you with other students that have made the same request. If there is insufficient demand from applicants, then please note we may not be able to fulfil this preference request. 

Please note that we will keep the allocation of these flats confidential and there will be no obvious differences (signage etc) that will identify the flats as such. We ask residents to be mindful of one another, as individuals may be at different stages in their personal journey and may not have publicly expressed their sexuality or gender identity (including to family members, relatives or friends).  

At Bath Spa University, we believe that every person should be an ally and therefore, we consider all our accommodation to be a safe space for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. However, we acknowledge that living with others from your community that may share some of your life experiences can provide invaluable extra support. Therefore, we ask that only those that identify as being a part of the LGBTQ+ community apply for these halls. 

Information for Bath Spa students in Bath Spa halls of residence

Licence agreement and handbook

Licence agreement

A licence agreement is a legally binding document that you sign just before the start of your university experience by moving into halls of residence. It's a written agreement between yourself and the University that states the following items: 

  • Details of the room you'll be occupying
  • Price of that room per week
  • Length of the contract
  • Terms and conditions that both yourself and the University have to uphold whilst you are in residence. 

The accommodation team normally sends out the online agreement to you before you move to Bath. Before you sign this, please read it carefully making sure you understand the terms and conditions set out. You can access the full Licence Agreement in the link below:

Residents' handbook

The residents' handbook is a guide to make your time in accommodation the best it could it possibly be. It provides you with all the information you could ever need to know whilst in our accommodation, from items the University provides, to who to contact when you need support. Please download your handbook below:

Health and safety

Your health and safety is of upmost importance to us. To make sure you know what to do, watch this video and read the below information.


If an emergency occurs, contact Security immediately on: +44 (0)1225 875555. If you're in any doubt, call the Emergency Services direct on 999 and then inform the Security Team so they can direct the Emergency Service when they arrive on site.

If you think you need medical help but it's not a 999 emergency, you can call 111, an NHS service offering advice and information on what action to take. Minor injuries or medical conditions that do not require immediate treatment at hospital should be referred to your doctor.

First aid

Security staff are qualified in Emergency First Aid at Work, and are equipped to deal with general incidents. However, in the event of a serious injury, an ambulance should be called.

Accident and emergency in Bath

Bath Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NG. Telephone: +44 (0)1225 428331.

Reporting accidents

All accidents causing injury or near misses must be reported as soon as possible so that we can take steps to prevent a recurrence. Contact Student Accommodation or Security (out of normal office hours) at the time of the accident giving full details. An accident or near miss form should be completed and forwarded to the Health and Safety Office.


If you identify a hazard in your accommodation, please report it to the accommodation team or raise a repair through the Hub. If it's an emergency please contact Security on +44 (0)1225 875555.

Soft furnishings

If you wish to bring any additional furniture into the building, you must first get permission from Student Accommodation.

All furniture must comply with the Fire and Furnishings Regulations 1988 and must be labelled as such. Please note all study bedrooms are fully furnished, so there's little room for additional furnishing. If unauthorised furniture is found within your accommodation you'll be asked to remove it. If this isn't done, the University will arrange for its disposal. The disposal costs plus associated administration costs will be deducted from your deposit at the end of the Licence period.

Gas and electrical safety

The University ensures that current certificates / documentation are held which provide evidence that:

  • All gas appliances have been tested annually
  • All portable electrical appliances provided by the University are tested regularly.

Electricity supply

Care must be taken not to overload the electricity supply. The electricity supply in study bedrooms may be restricted so that only small electrical appliances such as your stereo, hair dryer, TV or PC may be used. Kettles, microwaves, rice cookers, etc can only be used in kitchens. Your own electrical appliances must be new or portable appliance tested. Any appliance you bring to halls of residence must be:

  • CE approved
  • Operate from UK voltage (240 volts) and standard three-pin plug. In the interests of safety, we don't permit the use of international travel adaptors in halls of residence.

Fridges, freezers and microwaves

You won't be allowed to keep fridges, freezers, microwaves or any kitchen appliances in your study bedroom for safety and hygiene reasons. If you need a small fridge in your room for any medical reason, please contact the Student Accommodation team for advice.


Bath Spa University insures the building and its own contents against loss or damage due to fire and flood. The University doesn't insure against negligence, accident or vandalism and in the event of being responsible for such an occurrence you may be charged accordingly. The University doesn't accept responsibility for the loss of, theft of or damage to residents' or other individuals' property. The University has arranged core possessions insurance with Endsleigh Insurance to cover your possessions while you're living in University managed accommodation. It's your responsibility to check the scope and level of the insurance cover and arrange additional cover for valuable items if required.

To view your full policy details and extend cover visit Endsleigh Insurance online or call free on: +44 (0)8000 327081. To make a claim, email or call +44 (0)8444 722507. Policy No: Bath Spa University HH1216.

Fire safety

Fire safety is essential in our halls of residence. We conduct fire drills every term to make sure that you are fully aware of the correct procedure to follow when you come to the University.

It's also really important that you take some time to familiarise yourself with the following information:

Fire alarms and evacuation:

Please pay particular attention to all escape routes and Fire Exits when you move into halls.

  • It's imperative that on hearing a fire alarm, you leave the building immediately.
  • Follow any instructions given by Staff, Security, or members of the Emergency Services.
  • Don't re-enter the building until instructed to do so by a member of University staff.
  • All staff and students enrolled at Bath Spa University have the responsibility of being a Fire Marshal when on campus.

Assembly points:

Each accommodation has its own unique assembly point. The assembly point is detailed on fire safety panels that are placed around your flat – predominately on or near your kitchen door and above fire extinguishers. When you move in, make sure you know exactly where this is, as it will prove vital.

Fire safety equipment:

There are multiple different types of fire safety equipment present in all of our buildings. There are fire extinguishers in every block and main corridor. Please familiarise yourself with the extinguishers in your flat to know where they are. Each kitchen will also be equipped with a fire blanket. This is normally positioned to the side or above the oven.

Fire doors:

All fire doors in our buildings must be kept shut at all times when not in use. Fire doors are clearly marked. Please don't prop these doors open at any point in your tenancy.


Please don't leave items in the corridor, as these pose a severe fire risk. Please familiarise yourself with the fire safety guidelines in The Residence Handbook.

For more on fire safety in our halls of residence, please watch our short fire safety video

Useful services

There's a lot to think about both before and after you arrive in our accommodation, so we have prepared a list of useful links for various suppliers and services. Please be aware that this is not a personal recommendation from the University, and we can't be held responsible for the content of third-party sites.


Circuit Laundry manage the laundry machines at Newton Park. You can pay for your washing either via their website, or by using the app (although please be aware these are separate). You can also contact them if there are any issues with payment, or with the machines. Take a look at their FAQs page for more information. 

Please be aware that the Bath Spa Accommodation Team doesn't manage the laundry, so you'll need to speak to Circuit if you have any concerns. If you need further help please email with your problem and the laundry location. 

Accommodation Code of Conduct

Students living within Bath Spa halls of residence should make themselves familiar with the Accommodation Code of Conduct. The document linked below details the procedures that Bath Spa University will use if a student in halls of residence behaves in a way that has a negative impact on others, breaches any of the terms and conditions of the Residents' Handbook or commits a criminal offence.

More information can be found in the University's Student Disciplinary Procedure.

Endsleigh Insurance

Confirm your FREE contents insurance

Your contents. Covered.

By partnering with Endsleigh, the No.1 student insurance provider, we’ve arranged free contents insurance for all our students staying with us.

It is important all students confirm their cover to ensure you understand what is and isn’t covered. 

Visit confirm your cover to see:

  • What is and what isn’t covered
  • Key exclusions – where cover isn’t provided
  • Policy excess – the amount you pay when you make a claim
  • How to make claim
  • Personalised cover

We understand students have a limited budget, so Endsleigh have launched brand new, unique student insurance options. They have been designed to cover the risks that you may encounter whilst living in student accommodation and away from home.

Bath Spa Halls of Residence cancellation terms and conditions

For the terms and conditions regarding cancellation of Bath Spa managed accommodation please see the link below.

Short Term / Emergency Accommodation policy

For our short term and emergency accommodation policy, please see the link below.

Information for students in private halls of residence

Tenancy Agreement

We offer rooms in our university-managed halls of residence but also rooms in private halls of residence, managed by external housing providers like Unite Students for example.

These are what's known as "nomination properties." This means that you apply to live in them via the University's application process but your tenancy agreement is with the external provider, or third-party provider as they are commonly known. You pay your rent directly to them, not the University.

The University remains involved in processes relating to your tenancy throughout your stay, and you still have access to the same services, like Student Wellbeing for example.

Some of the details around cancellations and your prepayment are slightly different to the standard University policies or process, and this information will be included in your contract, so please read through it carefully. 

UCAS' definition of private halls of residence providers can be found here, along with other helpful information.

Useful services

There are multiple private residence providers in and around Bath. Bath Spa University has a nominations agreement with Unite Students, and we house applicants in their two locations in the city, Waterside Court and Charlton Court. However, students can book accommodation independently with other third-party providers if they wish, and we have included some examples below that our students have used in the past:


If you would like more information on private halls providers such as Unite Students, please see this link.

Information for Bath Spa University London students

Accommodation support (Hackney campus)

The vast majority of our accommodation expertise and experience resides in the Bath and Somerset area, but we recognise that students attending BSU London need support finding suitable housing within reach of the Hackney campus.

Please see below for a collection of popular options within the private sector:

Rightmove and Zoopla are sites where agencies/landlords can advertise properties – these are usually most suitable if you have a group of students to live with.

If you are looking to live alone, Spare Room can be a great starting point. This tends to be one room available within an existing household.

Looking for housemates to search with?

You may wish to join the Bath Spa Student House Hunting Discord page to look for accommodation. This can be a good starting point for students interested in spare rooms within student houses in London. We have set up a direct Bath Spa University London channel on Discord to allow students studying in London to interact with each other to help find housing. We will be directing students who approach us with spare rooms to advertise here.

Please email requesting access to our Discord server if you encounter any access issues via the invite link, and our team can help.

Purpose Built Student Accommodation 

There are multiple providers in East and Central London, and you can find a variety which are advertised and reviewed on Student Crowd. These are often slightly more expensive but have kitchens and include the cost of bills. These are usually longer-term solutions: 

IQ Student Accommodation are a PBSA operator which has several locations in the vicinity of BSU London:

Short-term stays: Hostels and AirBnB 

Hostels are typically a cheaper alternative to short-term accommodation if needed for less than a few weeks. However, depending on the provider and length of stay, this is not always cheaper so please browse around to compare prices.

Some local options in the Hackney area include: 

Please be aware these hostels include cooking facilities and depending on the hostel you could be roomed in a dormitory with quite a few other people. 

AirBnB is also another popular short-term option.

Housing Advice  

If you need any help with housing issues or guidance, the following links provide expert advice and support:  

You can also contact the our Accommodation team for further information at  

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