
Bath Social Impact Network: Collaborations

Tuesday 12 September, 2023 – Tuesday 12 September, 2023
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Locksbrook Campus, BA1 3EL

Join us for the Bath Social Impact Network September networking event. We'll be exploring the topic of collaborations with guest speaker Ruby Sant. 

The second part of the session will be a creative workshop exploring how we want to work together collaboratively as a network over the next year. You'll explore the opportunities being part of the network provides and how we can best utilise these for current and future members.

We're keen to collect your feedback, thoughts and ideas to help us grow and develop something which meets your needs moving forwards.  

As always there will be time for networking with your fellow members over drinks and light snacks.

Our speaker

Ruby Sant

Ruby will be talking about her work on "The Social Prescribing Ecosystem and Wilson Grant". This development and organisational growth project was co-designed by Wesport, Active Travel B&NES, NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB, Bath Spa University and Cultural Compact WECA.

a blue background with the words Bath Social Impact Network in white.