Ian Gadd
- Professor in English Literature
- Email: i.gadd@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 875455
- School: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
Current roles
- Academic Director of the Global Academy of Liberal Arts (GALA)
- Head of Development for European Projects at Bath Spa University
- Co-director, Making Books Research Centre, Bath Spa University
- Chair of the Board of Directors of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution
- General Editor of The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jonathan Swift
- Member of the Curators of Universities Libraries committee, University of Oxford
Career Overview
Ian completed his D.Phil. at Pembroke College, Oxford, in 1999. He was Munby Fellow in Bibliography at the University of Cambridge for 1999-2000 and was a Research Editor for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography at the University of Oxford between 2000 and 2002. He was appointed lecturer at Bath Spa University in 2002 and became a Professor in 2011. In 2014 he won the University's Teacher of the Year award, as voted for by the students.
He was appointed as the Academic Director of the Global Academy of Liberal Arts (GALA) in 2015. GALA is an international community of diverse, innovative, and socially responsible universities and colleges whose aims are to transform lives and to enhance global understanding through interdisciplinary collaboration in teaching and research. It was founded by Bath Spa University in 2014, and currently has 19 partners in 14 countries. He was also appointed the Head of Development for European Projects, in 2019, where he oversees Bath Spa's Erasmus+ funded projects.
Research profile
Ian is a bibliographer and book historian, with a focus on sixteenth-, seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century England. He has a particular interest in the ways in which printed texts were produced and circulated, and the economics of the early modern English book trade as well as the critical editing of literary and non-literary works from that period. He has broader research interests in the cultural history of early modern London, and in recent years has begun to explore the history of situated and embodied reading.
His PhD was on the history of the Stationers' Company, and he has written several articles on the Company's activities. He is currently co-editing an edition of a Company record, Liber A, with Peter Blayney and Karen Waring. He and Giles Bergel recently published Stationers' Register Online, a searchable database of all the entries of publishing rights recorded by the Company between 1557 and 1640.
Ian co-edited Jonathan Swift's English Political writings, 1711–14 (Cambridge University Press, 2008) as part of a new critical edition of Swift's complete works; in 2007, he was made Textual Advisor to this project, and in 2009, General Editor. He is co-editing three further volumes in the series.
He edited volume one of a four-volume The History of Oxford University Press (2013–17), under the general editorship of Professor Simon Eliot.
Research Awards
- 2015: Muriel McCarthy Research Fellowship (one month), Marsh’s Library, Dublin Editing Jonathan Swift’s religious writings
- 2011: Charlton Hinman Research Fellowship, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC
- 2010-2011: Bath Spa University sabbatical
- 2008-2009: Katharine F. Pantzer Jr Research Fellowship in the History of the Book, London Bibliographical Society. Project: The Stationers' Company and the Universities, 1580s-1780s
- 2005: AHRB Research Leave Award. Project: A Critical Edition of Jonathan Swift's Political Writings 1711-14
- 2003, 2007, 2009: British Academy Overseas Conference Grants.
Funded Digital Projects
- 2016–2017: 'Stationers' Register Online', with Dr Giles Bergel (Oxford); funded by CREATe, Glasgow; the Bibliographical Society, London; and the College of Liberal Arts, Bath Spa University
- 2016–2018: (Co-I) Ambient Literature with Jon Dovey (PI, UWE), Kate Pullinger (Bath Spa), Tom Abba (UWE), Matt Hayler (Birmingham University). Funded by AHRC
- 2011–2013: ‘Stationers’ Register Online’, with Giles Bergel, Pip Willcox, and James Cummings (University of Oxford) Digital edition of Edward Arber’s Transcript of the Stationers’ Register. Funded by Lyell Fund.
- 2008–2010: ‘Virtual Printing Press’, with Gabriel Egan (Loughborough University) Online model of a hand-press. JISC pilot funding
- 1996–2014: HoBo website, editor Calendar of history of the book lectures, seminars and conferences in UK and Europe. Hosted by Faculty of English, University of Oxford; supported by News International Fund 2001–8.
Academic qualifications
- MA Edinburgh
- M.St. Oxford
- D.Phil. Oxford.
Professional qualifications
- 2006 Professional Development Certificate in E-Learning, Netskills, University of Newcastle
- 2005 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education certification, Bath Spa University
- 2005 'Rising Star' Teaching Fellow, Bath Spa University
- 2000 D.Phil, University of Oxford.
External Roles
The Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) was founded in 1824 and re-established in 1993. Its purpose is the promotion and advancement, for the public benefit, of science, literature and art in the City of Bath and its surrounding areas. Bath Spa University has the right to appoint a Director to BRLSI's Board. Ian is currently serving as:
- Chair of the Board of Directors 2021–
- Director 2019–
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) is an international organisation supporting the study of the 'history of the book' with over 1000 members. Ian served on SHARP's Executive Council in various roles between 2003 and 2019.
- Interim Vice-President 2018–19
- President 2013-17
- President 2009-13
- Recording Secretary 2003-2009
- Member of organising committee, SHARP Annual Conference 2008, Oxford Brookes University
- European Reviews Editor for SHARP News, its quarterly newsletter, 2000-2006.
He is currently an external member of the Curators of University Libraries committee at the University of Oxford. He has also served on the Advisory Council of the Institute of the English Studies (2013-17), as External Examiner for the MA in Early Modern English Literature: Text and Transmission, King's College, London (2011-15), and as a member of the AHRC's Peer Review College (2009–12).
He is a member of the following scholarly organisations: London Bibliographical Society; Oxford Bibliographical Society; Cambridge Bibliographical Society; Bibliographical Society of America; Bibliographical Society of Virginia.
Teaching specialism
- Early modern English Literature
- Early modern English book trade
- History of the book
- Descriptive and analytical bibliography
- Editorial practice and theory
- Embodied and situated reading
Currently supervising the following PhD projects:
- The sociology of the Stationers' Register 1557–1637
- The fiction of Don Winslow
Works in progress
- Co-editor (with Bertrand Goldgar and Ian Higgins) of Jonathan Swift, _Political Writings 1701-11_ (Cambridge University Press)
- Co-editor (with Ian Higgins) of Jonathan Swift, _Writings on Religion and the Church to 1714_ (Cambridge University Press)
- Co-editor (with Ian Higgins) of Jonathan Swift, _Writings on Religion and the Church from 1714_ (Cambridge University Press)
- Co-editor (with Dr Peter Blayney and Karen Waring) of _Liber A_, a key record of the London book trade, to be published by the London Bibliographical Society
Research and academic outputs
History of Oxford University Press, Volume 1: beginnings to 1780
Gadd, I (2013) History of Oxford University Press, Volume 1: beginnings to 1780. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199557318
The history of the book in the West: 1455–1700 (Volume II)
Gadd, I (2010) The history of the book in the West: 1455–1700 (Volume II). Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9780754627715
Jonathan Swift - English political writings 1711-1714: 'The conduct of the allies' and other works
Gadd, I and Goldgar, B (2008) Jonathan Swift - English political writings 1711-1714: 'The conduct of the allies' and other works. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521829298
Guilds and association in Europe, 900-1900
Gadd, I and Wallis, P (2006) Guilds and association in Europe, 900-1900. University of London, London. ISBN 9781905165131
John Stow (1525-1605) and the making of the English past: essays in early modern culture and the history of the book
Gadd, I and Gillespie, A (2004) John Stow (1525-1605) and the making of the English past: essays in early modern culture and the history of the book. The British Library, London. ISBN 9780712348645
Guilds, society and economy in London, 1450-1800
Gadd, I and Wallis, P (2002) Guilds, society and economy in London, 1450-1800. Centre for Metropolitan History in association with Guildhall Library, London. ISBN 9781871348651
The Oxford Bibliographical Society and the history of the Oxford book trade
Gadd, I (2024) 'The Oxford Bibliographical Society and the history of the Oxford book trade.' In: Rundle, D and Woudhuysen, H.R, eds. Essays to mark the Centenary of the Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1922–2022. Oxford Bibliographical Society, Oxford, pp. 149-160.
Rectangularity and 'The Frankfurt Kabuff'
Gadd, I (2023) 'Rectangularity and 'The Frankfurt Kabuff'.' In: Driscoll, B and Squires, C, eds. The Frankfurt Kabuff: critical edition. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, pp. 107-112. ISBN 9781771125987
Ready reader one: recovering reading as an ambient practice
Gadd, I (2020) 'Ready reader one: recovering reading as an ambient practice.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 27-51. ISBN 9783030414559
The Stationers' Company
Gadd, I (2017) 'The Stationers' Company.' In: Sabor, P and Schellenberg, B, eds. Samuel Richardson in context. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 83-90. ISBN 9781316576755
The Stationers’ Company in England before 1710
Gadd, I (2016) 'The Stationers’ Company in England before 1710.' In: Alexander, I and Gómez-Arostegui, H.T, eds. Research handbook on the history of copyright law. Research handbooks in intellectual property . Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 81-95. ISBN 9781783472390
'A suitable remedy?': regulating the printing press, 1553-1558
Gadd, I (2015) ''A suitable remedy?': regulating the printing press, 1553-1558.' In: Evenden, E and Westbrook, V, eds. Catholic renewal and Protestant resistance in Marian England. Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700 . Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 127-142. ISBN 9780754661627
The university and the Oxford book trade
Gadd, I (2013) 'The university and the Oxford book trade.' In: Gadd, I, ed. History of Oxford University Press, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1780. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 549-568. ISBN 9780199557318
Leaving the printer to his liberty: Swift and the London book trade, 1701–14
Gadd, I (2013) 'Leaving the printer to his liberty: Swift and the London book trade, 1701–14.' In: Bullard, P and McLaverty, J, eds. Jonathan Swift and the eighteenth-century book. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107016262
‘At four shillings per year, paying one quarter in hand': reprinting Swift’s Examiner in Dublin, 1710-11
Gadd, I (2013) '‘At four shillings per year, paying one quarter in hand': reprinting Swift’s Examiner in Dublin, 1710-11.' In: Juhas, K, Real, H. J and Simon, S, eds. Reading Swift: papers from the Sixth Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Wilhelm Fink, Munich, pp. 75-94. ISBN 9783770554300
The press and the London book trade
Gadd, I (2013) 'The press and the London book trade.' In: Gadd, I, ed. History of Oxford University Press, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1780. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 569-600. ISBN 9780199557318
An international press
Gadd, I (2013) 'An international press.' In: Gadd, I, ed. History of Oxford University Press, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1780. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 601-626. ISBN 9780199557318
Entries on Accidentals and Substantives, Peter Blayney, Collating Machines, Collation, Ideal Copy, Lyell Lectures, McKenzie Lectures, New Bibliography, Panizzi Lectures, Printing Acts, Sandars Lectures, SHARP, Stationers, Stationers’ Company, John Stow
Gadd, I (2010) 'Entries on Accidentals and Substantives, Peter Blayney, Collating Machines, Collation, Ideal Copy, Lyell Lectures, McKenzie Lectures, New Bibliography, Panizzi Lectures, Printing Acts, Sandars Lectures, SHARP, Stationers, Stationers’ Company, John Stow.' In: Suarez, M and Woudhuysen, H, eds. The Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198606536
Reaching beyond the City Wall: London guilds and national regulation, 1500–1700
Gadd, I and Wallis, P (2008) 'Reaching beyond the City Wall: London guilds and national regulation, 1500–1700.' In: Epstein, S and Prak, M, eds. Guilds, innovation, and the European economy 1400–1800. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521887175
From printing type to BlackboardTM: teaching the history of the early modern book to literary undergraduates in a ‘new’ UK university
Gadd, I (2006) 'From printing type to BlackboardTM: teaching the history of the early modern book to literary undergraduates in a ‘new’ UK university.' In: Hawkins, A, ed. Teaching bibliography, textual criticism, and book history. Pickering & Chatto, London; Brookfield, VT. ISBN 9781851968343
Stow and the Stationers
Gadd, I and Ferguson, M.G (2004) 'Stow and the Stationers.' In: Gadd, I and Gillespie, A, eds. John Stow (1525-1605) and the making of the English past: essays in early modern culture and the history of the book. British Library, pp. 37-44. ISBN 712348646
Were books different? Locating the Stationers' Company in Civil War London, 1640-1645
Gadd, I (2004) 'Were books different? Locating the Stationers' Company in Civil War London, 1640-1645.' In: Goldgar, A and Frost, R, eds. Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Brill, pp. 35-58. ISBN 9004138803
Hunting down John Wolfe for the New DNB
Gadd, I (2002) 'Hunting down John Wolfe for the New DNB.' In: Myers, R, Harris, M and Mandelbrote, G, eds. Lives in print: biography and the book trade from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. The British Library, London. ISBN 9780712347969
Early printed histories of the London livery companies
Gadd, I (2002) 'Early printed histories of the London livery companies.' In: Gadd, I and Wallis, P, eds. Guilds, society and economy in London, 1450-1800. Centre for Metropolitan History, pp. 29-50. ISBN 187134865X
Destin-Ation integration: the impact of the European Destin Project (2018–2022) on Ukrainian journalism and media education
Gadd, I, McDonald, R and Keane, A (2023) 'Destin-Ation integration: the impact of the European Destin Project (2018–2022) on Ukrainian journalism and media education.' Інтегровані комунікації = Integrated Communications, 15 (1). pp. 13-20. ISSN 2524-2652
A companion to Blayney
Gadd, I (2017) 'A companion to Blayney.' The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 111 (3). pp. 379-406. ISSN 0006-128X
A note on Ted Hughes and Jonathan Swift
Gifford, T, Gadd, I and Kerslake, L (2014) 'A note on Ted Hughes and Jonathan Swift.' Ted Hughes Society Journal, 4 (1). pp. 85-88. ISSN 2051-7270
Jonathan Swift and 'A discourse on hereditary right'
Gadd, I (2014) 'Jonathan Swift and 'A discourse on hereditary right'.' Notes and Queries, 61 (3). pp. 401-402. ISSN 0029-3970
The use and misuse of 'Early English Books Online'
Gadd, I (2009) 'The use and misuse of 'Early English Books Online'.' Literature Compass, 6 (3). pp. 680-692. ISSN 1741-4113
Members of the Pewterers’ Company in 1641 & 1650-51
Gadd, I (2001) 'Members of the Pewterers’ Company in 1641 & 1650-51.' Journal of the Pewter Society, 15. pp. 17-28. ISSN 1468 2990
The Stationers’ Company, 1403–1775: London’s book trade guild
Gadd, I (2021) The Stationers’ Company, 1403–1775: London’s book trade guild. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature.
Edward Allde AND William Carter AND Thomas Dockwray AND Thomas Gibson AND Henry Hills senior AND Ralph Newbery AND Thomas Necombe the elder AND John Norton AND William Norton AND Thomas Raynald AND Matthew Simmons AND Humphrey Toy AND John Wolfe
Gadd, I (2004) Edward Allde AND William Carter AND Thomas Dockwray AND Thomas Gibson AND Henry Hills senior AND Ralph Newbery AND Thomas Necombe the elder AND John Norton AND William Norton AND Thomas Raynald AND Matthew Simmons AND Humphrey Toy AND John Wolfe.