Dr Lucy Gundry
- Associate Lecturer (Mixed Media Textiles)
- Email: l.gundry@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
Personal statement
Dr Lucy Gundry is an Associate Lecturer in Mixed Media Textiles on BA Creative Arts Practice at Bath Spa University. Lucy lectures and tutors mixed media textile students to develop a reflexive synthesis between method, material and meaning in their studio practice.
Lucy is interested in the relationship between body, dress and self as a fabricated skin, formed through the act of dressing and worn out in the everyday. Her doctoral research focused on the haptic aesthetics of dress as grasped communication observed through seeing but not touching dress in the museum. Current research interests include 'rescuing' dress through 'wear wise' initiatives and teaching through meaning.
Academic qualifications
- PhD (RCA) Haptic Aesthetics of Dress
- MA Contemporary Curating - Dress (AHRC funded)
- BA Textile Art
- BA History of Design & Visual Arts.
Other external roles
- Co-editorial - Journal of Textile Design and Practice (Bloomsbury).
Teaching specialism
- Textile Art
- Textile theory
- Dress and fashion museum studies.
What can Bath Spa staff and students contact you about?
- Mixed Media Textile & dress theory, practice and curating.
Research supervision
Textile art:
- Textile
- Dress
- Fashion theory
- Practice
- Curating
- Rescue and futures.