Róisín Ní Mhocháin
- Programme Lead: Postgraduate and International
- Email: r.nimhochain@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 876163
- School: School of Education
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
I'm a senior lecturer, Programme Leader for International and Postgraduate in the Institute for Education, and Award Leader for our MA Professional Practice. My role is to oversee delivery and development of the postgraduate programmes we offer.
I have over 25 years' experience in teaching on teacher and trainer development programmes for MEd ELT, MEd Trainer Development, MA TESOL, BEd TESL, and BA courses in Ireland, the UK and Mexico. I've worked in secondary level education in Japan and Slovakia as an English language teacher and have designed and taught on teacher education programmes in Egypt, Libya, the UAE and Ireland on both initial and continuing teacher education courses.
Over the last number of years I've supervised undergraduate and Master’s dissertations in the area of TESOL and language education. My research interests are classroom language and interactional competence, teacher and teacher trainer education, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis and the application of research to teacher training.
I am currently pursuing a doctorate in linguistics with a focus on English as a Second Language (ESL) speakers in Ireland. I am analysing data from focus groups of ESL speakers to see what can be learned from their language use that can benefit TESOL trainee and in-service teachers. I have co-edited two special editions of the journal Corpus Pragmatics, co-authored a training manual for Libyan state teachers, and published teachers’ books for the English for Libya series.
I love to travel, meet new people and experience new cultures but, as I am a keen cook, I particularly like to sample the cuisine so I can attempt to replicate it when I return home!
Academic qualifications
- MSc TESOL University of Stirling
- Grad. Dip. TEFL University of Limerick
- BA(Hons) Mary Immaculate College/University of Limerick
- PGCert in Professional Development University of St Mark & St John.
Professional memberships
- Fellow Higher Education Academy
- British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
- Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) www.mic.ul.ie/ivacs
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
- Centre for Applied Language Studies (CALS) www.ul.ie/~lcs/cals
Teaching specialism
TESOL related areas:
- Second language acquisition
- Second language teaching methodologies and teaching theory
- Motivation for language learning and teaching
- Research methods for language teachers
- Discourse analysis and corpus linguistics
- Language teaching materials and programme design.
Research and academic outputs
English for Libya: preparatory 3 teacher's book
Frino, L, Ní Mhocháin, R, O’Neill, H and McGarry, F (2008) English for Libya: preparatory 3 teacher's book. Garnet Education, London.
English for Libya: preparatory 2 teacher's book
Ní Mhocháin, R and Thompson, L (2008) English for Libya: preparatory 2 teacher's book. Garnet Education, London.
English for Libya: preparatory 1 teacher’s book
Ní Mhocháin, R (2007) English for Libya: preparatory 1 teacher’s book. Garnet Education, London.
O’Keeffe, A and Ní Mhocháin, R (2018) 'Introduction.' Corpus Pragmatics, 2 (3). pp. 217-219. ISSN 2509-9507
Introduction: corpus, context and pragmatics
Ní Mhocháin, R and O’Keeffe, A (2017) 'Introduction: corpus, context and pragmatics.' Corpus Pragmatics, 1 (4). pp. 293-295. ISSN 2509-9507
'Regrets, I've had a few, but then again...' there is always an upside!
Ní Mhocháin, R (2017) 'Regrets, I've had a few, but then again...' there is always an upside! In: Annual IVACS One-Day Symposium: Corpus design and ‘corpus regret’ - opportunities, challenges and things that never change, 4 March 2017, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales.
‘…you can’t say that at work…’: discourse community influences on language
Ní Mhocháin, R (2015) ‘…you can’t say that at work…’: discourse community influences on language. In: Invited talk: Universidad EAN, Bogota, Colombia.
‘we never had English until we came in Ireland like…zip’: the influence of discourse communities
Ní Mhocháin, R (2014) ‘we never had English until we came in Ireland like…zip’: the influence of discourse communities. In: 20th Symposium on Research in Applied Linguistics, 6-7 November 2014, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogota, Colombia.
ESOL focus group conversations: what can we learn from them?
Ní Mhocháin, R (2014) ESOL focus group conversations: what can we learn from them? In: British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL), 4 - 6 September, University of Warwick.
Living in the past or present: ESOL speakers’ language influences?
Ní Mhocháin, R (2014) Living in the past or present: ESOL speakers’ language influences? In: The Seventh Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Conference, 19 - 21 June 2014, Newcastle University.
Focus group data investigating ESOL speakers’ talk
Ní Mhocháin, R (2014) Focus group data investigating ESOL speakers’ talk. In: Annual IVACS One-Day Symposium, 23 January 2014, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Issues with conversation: a CL and CA analysis of ESOL focus group data
Ní Mhocháin, R (2012) Issues with conversation: a CL and CA analysis of ESOL focus group data. In: The sixth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Group International Conference, 21 - 22 June 2012, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Conversational difficulties in ESOL
Ní Mhocháin, R (2012) Conversational difficulties in ESOL. In: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference, 19-23 March, Glasgow, UK.
Learning on a collaborative provision project
Ní Mhocháin, R (2012) Learning on a collaborative provision project. In: Learning, Teaching & Research Conference, 2012, University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth.
‘The seniors told us’: insights into a Malaysian teacher trainees’ community of practice
Ní Mhocháin, R (2011) ‘The seniors told us’: insights into a Malaysian teacher trainees’ community of practice. In: Re-Imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation, 30 June 2011, St. Patrick's College, Dublin.
Conversational difficulties for ESL learners: focus group data
Ní Mhocháin, R (2009) Conversational difficulties for ESL learners: focus group data. In: Corpora and Interaction Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Research Symposium (IVACS), Edinburgh, UK.
Integrating focus groups and corpus data to investigate the conversational needs of the ‘New Irish’
Ní Mhocháin, R (2008) Integrating focus groups and corpus data to investigate the conversational needs of the ‘New Irish’. In: The fourth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group International Conference, June 13-14 2008, University of Limerick.
Talking in class: the classroom as a conversational environment
Ní Mhocháin, R (2006) Talking in class: the classroom as a conversational environment. In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, July 6 2006, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Conversation resource books: hindrance or help in an Irish EFL context
Ní Mhocháin, R (2006) Conversation resource books: hindrance or help in an Irish EFL context. In: The Third Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group International Conference, 23-24 June 2006, University of Nottingham.
Teaching conversation in an Irish EFL context: phase one
Ní Mhocháin, R (2006) Teaching conversation in an Irish EFL context: phase one. In: Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Research Symposium (IVACS) 2006, February 2006, Mary Immaculate College, Ireland.
ESL in an Irish context: conversation resource books as an aid?
Ní Mhocháin, R (2006) ESL in an Irish context: conversation resource books as an aid? In: The British Association of Applied Linguistics/Irish Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL/IRAAL) Annual Conference, University College Cork, Ireland.
Analysing non-native speaker – native speaker email exchanges: a complex medium
Ní Mhocháin, R (2002) Analysing non-native speaker – native speaker email exchanges: a complex medium. In: Changing Perspectives in Language Research, 20-21 June 2002, University of Stirling, UK.
Researching email exchanges between a native speaker and non-native speakers of English: a discourse analysis
Ní Mhocháin, R (2002) Researching email exchanges between a native speaker and non-native speakers of English: a discourse analysis. In: Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Research Symposium (IVACS), 2002, Queens University, Northern Ireland.
Researching email exchanges between a native speaker and non-native speakers of English: controlled by whom, influenced by what?
Ní Mhocháin, R (2002) Researching email exchanges between a native speaker and non-native speakers of English: controlled by whom, influenced by what? In: The First Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Research (IVACS) group International Conference, 2002, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Partington, A., Duguid, A. and Taylor, C. (2013) 'Patterns and meanings in discourse: theory and practice in Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS)'. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [book review]
Ní Mhocháin, R (2014) Partington, A., Duguid, A. and Taylor, C. (2013) 'Patterns and meanings in discourse: theory and practice in Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS)'. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [book review]. pp. 329-334.
A review of “Conceptualising ‘learning’ in applied linguistics” [book review]
Ní Mhocháin, R (2011) A review of “Conceptualising ‘learning’ in applied linguistics” [book review]. Language Awareness, 20 (1). pp. 61-63. ISSN 1747-7565