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Student money support – Bath Spa University

Bath Spa University offers support to help students make their money go further

Monday, 16 October, 2023

The cost of living is front of mind for people across the country, and students are not immune. For many, this is the first time they have lived away from home or have had to manage their finances. It can be stressful and confusing, but Bath Spa University offers a wide range of support to help students navigate the challenges they face.  

Here are just a few ways the University is supporting students. 

Scholarships, bursaries and other funding 

There are several awards and prizes available for Bath Spa students, and many are awarded several times throughout the year.  

The University helped 212 students over the past three years with £118,453 in funding from various awards and bursaries. These awards are funded by donations from Bath Spa alumni, as well as local philanthropists, friends and other supporters of the University. 

There are a number of awards available to students to help them during their studies, including:  

For more information on the different scholarships and bursaries offered, please visit the Scholarships and Bursaries page on our website. 

If they’re experiencing financial hardship, students may apply to access help through the University Access Fund. The University also offers a short-term loan scheme that students may apply to if they are experiencing delays with their student funding being paid. For those who don’t have access to a suitable PC or Mac, the University Laptop Fund may be able to help with a non-repayable £500 award. 

More information is available on the Funding pages

Advice and support 

Any student with concerns about cost of living can book a Wellbeing Advice Appointment. Wellbeing Advisors will talk to them about their financial situation, can direct them towards any support they may be able to access and help them to plan a budget. 

Hollie Pearson, Wellbeing and Money Advice Team Leader, said: 

“Managing your money whilst at university can feel really daunting, but it's a great life skill to have, and we're here to support our students. Our Student Wellbeing Advisors are here to listen and to help. They can discuss students’ financial situations in a confidential space and help them to identify their options. You'll find us in the Student Hub from 10am – 4pm on weekdays.” 

Many students work alongside studying to subsidise their income. The Careers and Employability team is available to support students with finding employment, and students can apply for various part-time jobs through the online Job Shop. 

Library and Learning Services 

The Newton Park Library provides long opening hours and a welcoming environment with a variety of study spaces to suit all students. Students can borrow from the extensive physical and digital library for free, and there are no fines if anything is overdue. 

There is also a Wellbeing Collection which includes several books on cooking on a budget and managing your money which are available to peruse on campus or online. 

Free period products 

The University is working to combat period poverty, and has installed 28 vending machines across Newton Park, Locksbrook and London campuses dispensing free, sustainable period products. In keeping with Bath Spa’s eco-friendly ethos, these vending machines feature bamboo tampons and bamboo pads with plant-based packaging, so there’s no single-use plastic. 

Free and low cost food 

The University has opened the 'Student Eats' counter at the Refectory, which allows students to buy a hot meal and drink for just £3.25. The deal is also available every day at Locksbrook Cafe and Sion Hill from lunchtime. The Students' Union serves soup with bread for £1.40, Monday to Friday. 

The University also has food larders available to students, located at our Newton Park Campus. The larders are stocked with non-perishable goods such as tinned foods, pasta and rice, and are available to any student in need of food. 

For more tips and information about how the University is supporting students with cost of living, visit our cost of living webpage

Helping each other

While the University offers a range of support and advice for students, there is also support from within the Bath Spa community. Last year two Bath Spa students set up Student Signal, a campaign to signpost fellow students towards University resources. Created with help from the Students’ Union, societies and University departments, Student Signal offers a transparent, diverse and accessible route for students who want to help each other receive the support that the University provides. 

Bath Spa students are also using their own initiative and earning extra money through side hustles and their own entrepreneurial ventures. Last year we met three successful, enterprising Bath Spa Students who have their own businesses.  

Charlotte Godfrey, Bath Spa University Employability Consultant said:

"Bath Spa University has a strong entrepreneurial student community. Across schools and professional practices there is a natural creativity, curiosity and an innovative mindset. Our enterprise and entrepreneurship support offer is here to help all our students and graduates have the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to realise their enterprise ideas and to get them off the ground.” 

Find out more about how Bath Spa helps students with start-up and enterprise support on our website.

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