Supporting our staff to develop their expertise in teaching and facilitating student learning

This guide provides support for staff to deliver effective teaching and learning to students at Bath Spa University, and to develop their expertise in this area.

This guide is structured principally around Bath Spa's Education Design Principles (see below). Each of the seven points links to a subpage on this theme. Each thematic subpage contains a short overview of this topic, and signposts to several highlighted resources which may help to support your practice and develop your thinking in this area.

There is also a section specifically focusing on Educational Partner Institutions.

Education Design Principles

These principles provide a summary of our Education Strategy 2030 Objectives and outline the nature of our students’ educational experience and gains.

A transformative learning journey with Bath Spa University enables:


Underpinning these principles is a commitment by the University to support staff in the development of their expertise for teaching in higher education.

For further information on the Education Design Principles, see this summary document:

Educational partnerships support and resources

This Educational Partner-facing webpage brings together information and links to support colleagues with collaborative working and partnership management.

About this guide

Who is this guide for?

This guide is designed for:

  • Staff at Bath Spa University (both academic and professional services) who have responsibility for teaching and/or facilitating student learning.
  • Staff at Bath Spa University's educational partner organisations who deliver specilialist courses leading to a qualification accredited by Bath Spa University.

This guide may also be of use in sharing practice with colleagues more widely across the Higher Education sector.

How do I use this guide?

This guide is structured principally around Bath Spa's Education Design Principles (see above). Each of the seven points links to a subpage on this theme. Each thematic page contains a short overview of this topic, and signposts to several highlighted resources which may help to support your practice and develop your thinking in this area.

There is also a section specifically focusing on Educational Partner Institutions.

Who should I contact?

You can contact the Teaching Expertise Development (TED) team at Bath Spa University on any enquiries or for further support.

Is there a list of guidance documents housed on this webpage?

A large number of guidance documents from external webpages and other sections of the Bath Spa University website are signposted/linked throughout the Teaching Expertise Guide.

Those guidance documents which are housed in the Teaching Expertise Guide are collated here:

The Teaching Expertise Development (TED) team

Contact the TED team by email

Contact the Digital Learning Developers (DLDs) by email

Kobe Distin Graduate Digital Fluency Engagement Officer
Neil Glen Academic Developer
Michael Harris Digital Learning Developer 
Prof. Helen King Director of Learning Innovation and Skills
Steven Lewarne Senior Digital Learning Developer 
Lorna Lewis Academic Enhancement Lead (Educational Partnerships)
Dr Shaun Mudd Head of Teaching Expertise Development
Christina Owen  Digital Learning Developer 
Susana Romans-Roca Academic Developer
Dr Victoria Walters Digital Learning Developer 
Becky Williams Digital Learning Developer